Calculators full grid

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No.NamePermalinknewbetapolishOnlyCalculatorConverterTableCarAndTravelUnitsIsoMathPhysicsFinanceHomeHealthJobComputersTextTimeChemistryEsotericismAudioGeneratorDecoderElectronicArticleTexts PL [cws]Texts EN [cws]# of links EN# of links PLgui. items. CalculomatRootItemgui. items. InfoFrameOutputgui. items. LookupTableOutputgui. items. PlainHtmlOutputgui. items. SectionHeadertextSections. pl. externalLinkstextSections. pl. factstextSections. pl. linksToV1textSections. pl. permalinktextSections. pl. seeAlsotextSections. pl. tagsAndLinksToThistextSections. pl. tagsToThistextSections. en. externalLinkstextSections. en. factstextSections. en. linksToV1textSections. en. permalinktextSections. en. seeAlsotextSections. en. tagsAndLinksToThistextSections. en. tagsToThistextSections. pl. howTotextSections. pl. whatFortextSections. en. howTotextSections. en. whatForgui. items. FormOfLabelAndItemgui. items. HeadFootTablegui. items. MathOutputgui. items. NumberOutputgui. items. SelectInputgui. items. SymbolicExpressionInputgui. items. SymbolicExpressionOutputproviders. conv. LengthtextSections. pl. aboutLengthtextSections. pl. aboutSymbolicMathSupporttextSections. pl. aboutUnittextSections. pl. howToConverttextSections. en. aboutLengthtextSections. en. aboutSymbolicMathSupporttextSections. en. aboutUnittextSections. en. howToConvertproviders. conv. Massgui. items. NumberInputgui. items. RadioInputgui. items. SingleLineTextInputgui. items. TextOutputtextSections. pl. changestextSections. pl. inputDesctextSections. en. changestextSections. en. inputDescdynamicIOtextSections. pl. formula_01textSections. pl. formula_02textSections. pl. formula_03textSections. en. formula_01textSections. en. formula_02textSections. en. formula_03providers. conv. VelocityfriendlySummarygui. items. Buttongui. items. CashInputgui. items. Headergui. items. PlainHtmlFrameOutputproviders. dataset. CountryIsoCodesproviders. dataset. CurrencyIsoCodesproviders. conv. Volumeproviders. conv. DataStoragetextSections. pl. jokesproviders. conv. Areaproviders. conv. Energygui. items. FactorizeFactorsOutputgui. items. FactorizeGroupedFactorsOutputgui. items. BigTextInputgui. items. YesNoOutputgui. items. CashFactorInputproviders. conv. TemperaturetextSections. en. aboutUnitsgui. items. FoldUnfoldInputgui. items. SmallTextInputgui. items. TemplateSettingsSelectorgui. items. AdvancedSentencesItemgui. items. FractionInputsettings. FractiontextSections. pl. trickstextSections. en. tricksproviders. conv. Powerproviders. conv. AngletextSections. pl. angleTypestextSections. en. angleTypesgui. items. CashOutputgui. items. PercentOutputproviders. dataset. NbpCurrenciestextSections. pl. loanCostLimitPLgui. items. CheckBoxInputgui. items. TextFrameOutputproviders. custom. TaxProviderPLtextSections. pl. AboutNowyLadtextSections. pl. AboutTaxAdvancestextSections. pl. archive_facts_2018textSections. pl. archive_facts_2019_2020_2021textSections. pl. howCalcullateEarningstextSections. pl. legalBasetextSections. en. AboutNowyLadtextSections. en. AboutTaxAdvancestextSections. en. archive_facts_2018textSections. en. archive_facts_2019_2020_2021textSections. en. howCalcullateEarningstextSections. en. legalBasegui. items. DateInputtextSections. pl. descriptiontextSections. en. descriptiontextSections. pl. upToDatetextSections. en. upToDateproviders. custom. UstawowePodatkoweOdsetkigui. items. MonthInputproviders. dataset. IBANFormatgui. items. TimeAmountInputtextSections. pl. postepowanieUproszczonetextSections. pl. controversiestextSections. en. controversiesproviders. conv. Bandwidthgui. items. BigIntInputgui. items. BigIntStatusOutputgui. items. ClockInputgui. items. TimeInputgui. items. TimeOutputgui. items. DateOutputgui. items. TimeDiffOutpututils. BirthDateStatisticsutils. TimestampFormatterutils. ZodiactextSections. pl. Facts_PLtextSections. pl. Facts_UKtextSections. pl. Facts_UStextSections. pl. Facts_WorldtextSections. en. Facts_PLtextSections. en. Facts_UKtextSections. en. Facts_UStextSections. en. Facts_WorldtextSections. pl. FractionsEqualTesttextSections. pl. HowToComputeDifferencetextSections. pl. WhichFractionGreaterTesttextSections. en. FractionsEqualTesttextSections. en. HowToComputeDifferencetextSections. en. WhichFractionGreaterTesttextSections. pl. exampleDesctextSections. en. exampleDescproviders. conv. FuelConsumptiongui. items. FormattedListOutputtextSections. pl. betatextSections. en. betaproviders. custom. PolishSelfEmploymentgui. items. TimeAmountMsOutputgui. items. TimeRealMsOutputproviders. custom. PolishSubsistenceAllowanceproviders. custom. PolishNbpRatesproviders. conv. Densityproviders. conv. NumberBasegui. items. ChemicalFormulaOutputproviders. dataset. DensityOfSubstancesproviders. conv. SpecificHeatproviders. dataset. SpecificHeatOfSubstancesgui. items. SymbolicExpressionStepsOutputproviders. conv. RomanNumberstextSections. pl. archive_facts_before_2022textSections. en. archive_facts_before_2022gui. items. CodeOutputtextSections. pl. x87vsSIMDtextSections. en. x87vsSIMDproviders. conv. Frequencyproviders. dataset. MusicNotesproviders. dataset. CelestialBodiesproviders. dataset. pl. unemploymentRateproviders. dataset. pl. registeredUnemployedproviders. dataset. pl. employmentInEnterpriseSectorproviders. dataset. ChemicalElementstextSections. pl. aboutDensitytextSections. en. aboutDensitytextSections. pl. dataSourcetextSections. en. dataSourceproviders. conv. DipoleMomentproviders. dataset. DipoleMomentOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. SolubilityEquilibriumOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. DissociationConstantsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. SolubilityByTemperatureOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. CryoscopicEbullioscopicConstantsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. DensityByConcentrationOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. PermittivityOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. BondLengthsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. MeltingPointOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. BoilingPointOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardEntropyOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardEnthalpyOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardFreeEnthalpyOfSubstancesproviders. conv. AmountOfSubstanceproviders. conv. MolarVolumeproviders. dataset. MolarVolumeOfSubstancesproviders. conv. MolarMassproviders. dataset. MolarMassOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. CriticalTemperatureOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Pressureproviders. dataset. CriticalPressureOfSubstancesproviders. conv. EnergyPerAmountOfSubstanceproviders. conv. EnergyPerMassproviders. dataset. EnthalpyOfVaporizationOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. EnthalpyOfVaporizationAndBoilingPointOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Dimensionlessproviders. conv. MolarConcentrationproviders. dataset. TriplePointOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Currentproviders. conv. Resistanceproviders. conv. Voltagegui. items. FractionOutputgui. items. CodeFrameOutputproviders. conv. Resistivityproviders. dataset. ResistivityOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Conductanceproviders. conv. Conductivityproviders. dataset. GS1PrefixestextSections. pl. programmingtextSections. en. programmingtextSections. pl. articleBodytextSections. en. articleBodyproviders. dataset. InternationalTaxRatesAlltextSections. pl. aboutCITtextSections. pl. aboutPITtextSections. pl. aboutVATtextSections. en. aboutCITtextSections. en. aboutPITtextSections. en. aboutVATproviders. dataset. pl. inflationRateproviders. dataset. pl. economicGrowthAnnualRateproviders. dataset. pl. economicGrowthQuarterlyRateproviders. dataset. earningsproviders. dataset. EffectiveTaxproviders. conv. Forceproviders. dataset. us. inflationRatetextSections. pl. announcementtextSections. pl. keyFactstextSections. en. announcementtextSections. en. keyFactsgui. items. PlayMorseButtonComponentproviders. conv. Timeproviders. conv. Capacitanceproviders. dataset. SoundVelocityOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. AcousticImpedanceOfSubstancestextSections. pl. aboutSoundInsulationtextSections. en. aboutSoundInsulationtextSections. pl. aboutRoomWithinTheRoomtextSections. en. aboutRoomWithinTheRoomtextSections. pl. aboutSoundInsulationRatingstextSections. en. aboutSoundInsulationRatingsproviders. dataset. YoungModulusOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. FourCC
2ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) table708671106ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) tableISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) table
3HEX/DEC table1336128022HEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC tableHEX/DEC table
4Length (size) units3100302194Length (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) unitsLength (size) units
5Mass (weight) units1627159064Mass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) unitsMass (weight) units
6IP calculator (networks/subnets)5012403166IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)IP calculator (networks/subnets)
8Speed (velocity) units3504334322Speed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) unitsSpeed (velocity) units
9VAT (tax)2699214121VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)VAT (tax)
10Volume (capacity) units2653257533Volume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) unitsVolume (capacity) units
11Data storage units1912159622Data storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage unitsData storage units
12Area units1317121611Area unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea unitsArea units
13Energy units5817543111Energy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy unitsEnergy units
14Prime number2859183186Prime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime numberPrime number
17Cost of area1312117633Cost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of areaCost of area
18Temperature units3839357033Temperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature unitsTemperature units
19ASCII-2-number converterpartial3705373133ASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converterASCII-2-number converter
21Power units4242350223Power unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower unitsPower units
22Multiplication tablepartial29420533Multiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication tableMultiplication table
23Angle units3422270032Angle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle unitsAngle units
25Add numbers (columnar addition)partial4724365221Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)Add numbers (columnar addition)
26Deposit (investment)5885462123Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)Deposit (investment)
28Polish salary #1 (yearly)8599932485Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)Polish salary #1 (yearly)
29Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)75763940Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)Polish earnings #2 (tax↔no tax)
30Polish earnings #3 (written order)1317144340Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)Polish earnings #3 (written order)
31Polish work period30427622Polish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work periodPolish work period
32Polish earnings during sickness2539254322Polish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sicknessPolish earnings during sickness
33Polish vacation days834100930Polish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation daysPolish vacation days
34Polish car use reimbursement flat-rate1575142443Polish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-ratePolish car use reimbursement flat-rate
35Poland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculator1311107043Poland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculatorPoland: Mileage Allowance Payments calculator
36Polish ZUS payments1436148730Polish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS paymentsPolish ZUS payments
37Polish "law interest"776030Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"
38Polish "tax interest"809030Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"
39Polish investments amortization1937193766Polish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortizationPolish investments amortization
40Polish notarial wages5759575940Polish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wagesPolish notarial wages
41Polish real property cost86486430Polish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property costPolish real property cost
42Is ID Number Correct2634216695Is ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number CorrectIs ID Number Correct
44Cost of electricitypartial1829142734Cost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricityCost of electricity
45Polish ZUS retirement538030Polish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirementPolish ZUS retirement
46Polish OFE retirementpartial0010Polish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirementPolish OFE retirement
47Polish court fees1794020Polish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court feesPolish court fees
48Chinese horoscope80471523Chinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscopeChinese horoscope
49Chinese zodiac signs949400Chinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signsChinese zodiac signs
50MTU table73472232MTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU tableMTU table
51Number prefixes SI82979433Number prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SINumber prefixes SI
52Binary prefixes1038100533Binary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixesBinary prefixes
54Bandwidth units1386124633Bandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth unitsBandwidth units
55Fractions: add and subtract step by step81682533Fractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by stepFractions: add and subtract step by step
56Resistors color codes2038170833Resistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codesResistors color codes
57Fractions: 4 operations2842290945Fractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operationsFractions: 4 operations
58Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)1507183833Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)Fractions: inverse (reciprocal)
59Millionaire calculator2128157555Millionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculatorMillionaire calculator
60Compound interest3897341144Compound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interestCompound interest
61Time: Date and time formats596047121013Time: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formatsTime: Date and time formats
62Dates difference2185200233Dates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates differenceDates difference
63Time to new year2343224033Time to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new yearTime to new year
64Time to school break3064152131Time to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school breakTime to school break
65Time to holidays1918189133Time to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidaysTime to holidays
66Work time2728200933Work timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork timeWork time
67Life time1895191643Life timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife timeLife time
68Sleep time1311131155Sleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep timeSleep time
69Zodiac sign1552149434Zodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac signZodiac sign
70State pension age2084189566State pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension ageState pension age
71Add or subtract days/months/years to date2150147233Add or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to dateAdd or subtract days/months/years to date
72Wedding anniversary1897164322Wedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversaryWedding anniversary
73Fractions: compare2477251045Fractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compareFractions: compare
74Tyres codes - speed ratings2166199344Tyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratingsTyres codes - speed ratings
75Tyres codes - load index2166199344Tyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load indexTyres codes - load index
76Fuel consumption72775600Fuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumptionFuel consumption
77Fuel consumption units65160600Fuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption unitsFuel consumption units
78Random numbers3345288544Random numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbersRandom numbers
79Shoe size1371116944Shoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe sizeShoe size
80Numbers: min-maxpartial27324722Numbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-maxNumbers: min-max
81Numbers: average & medianpartial2444194244Numbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & medianNumbers: average & median
82Numbers: sum & statisticspartial25324943Numbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statisticsNumbers: sum & statistics
83Polish ZUS: rates and base71967800Polish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and basePolish ZUS: rates and base
84UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)1950170022UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP)
85Polish salary #4 (self-employment)8556720454Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)Polish salary #4 (self-employment)
86Stop watch2526223644Stop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watchStop watch
87Polish "law interest"10910900Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"Polish "law interest"
88Polish "tax interest"35511100Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"Polish "tax interest"
89Polish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZE2016196953Polish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZEPolish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZE
90Words counterpartial2467192744Words counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counterWords counter
91School break calendar818100School break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendarSchool break calendar
92Polish travel allowance (foreign) table11911900Polish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) tablePolish travel allowance (foreign) table
93Polish travel allowance (national) table11711700Polish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) tablePolish travel allowance (national) table
94Polish travel allowance (foreign)4900467762Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)Polish travel allowance (foreign)
95Polish travel allowance (national)4009372861Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)Polish travel allowance (national)
96Tire production date (DOT index)2387220155Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)Tire production date (DOT index)
97Rentier calculator4381381253Rentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculatorRentier calculator
98Poland: NBP reference rates1322123821Poland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference ratesPoland: NBP reference rates
99Poland: NBP lombard rates70769711Poland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard ratesPoland: NBP lombard rates
100Poland: NBP deposit rates27625520Poland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit ratesPoland: NBP deposit rates
101Poland: NBP rediscount rates48850410Poland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount ratesPoland: NBP rediscount rates
102Poland: NBP discount rates29426800Poland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount ratesPoland: NBP discount rates
103Poland: central bank rates (NBP)90083500Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)Poland: central bank rates (NBP)
104Average and minimum wages in Poland1393129554Average and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in PolandAverage and minimum wages in Poland
105Density units68764255Density unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity unitsDensity units
106Numeral systems1856181455Numeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systemsNumeral systems
107Density of substances84473400Density of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substancesDensity of substances
108Specific heat of substances464600Specific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substancesSpecific heat of substances
109Specific heat units69765244Specific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat unitsSpecific heat units
110Disk: area and circumference92597744Disk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumferenceDisk: area and circumference
111Triangle: sum of angles92684944Triangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of anglesTriangle: sum of angles
113Names of large numbers2166212844Names of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbersNames of large numbers
114Roman numbers1257115554Roman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbersRoman numbers
115Roman numbers calculator424200Roman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculatorRoman numbers calculator
116Poland: NBP currencies1350127454Poland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currenciesPoland: NBP currencies
117Units of measurement: SI1271134554Units of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SIUnits of measurement: SI
118Basic physical and chemical constants1422136555Basic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constantsBasic physical and chemical constants
119PL: Tax-free threshold archive575700PL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archivePL: Tax-free threshold archive
120PL: Tax-decreasing amount575753PL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amountPL: Tax-decreasing amount
121Greek alphabet1504138133Greek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabetGreek alphabet
122Trigonometric reduction formulas2137204333Trigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulasTrigonometric reduction formulas
123Trigonometric functions2693263144Trigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functionsTrigonometric functions
124Derivative formulas3080307255Derivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulasDerivative formulas
125Quick TeX cheat sheet1274122944Quick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheetQuick TeX cheat sheet
126Integrals - formulas1508163955Integrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulasIntegrals - formulas
127Electromagnetic waves3008296955Electromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic waves
128Floating point numbers2012146755Floating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbersFloating point numbers
129Wavelength and frequency505000Wavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequencyWavelength and frequency
130Frequency units2580234655Frequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency unitsFrequency units
131Note frequencies3581356555Note frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequenciesNote frequencies
132Moons of the planets87487255Moons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planetsMoons of the planets
133Solar System planets5623584855Solar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planetsSolar System planets
134Moon data sheet1870187855Moon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheetMoon data sheet
135Galaxy datasheet1644161856Galaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheetGalaxy datasheet
136Polish unemployment rate1973203555Polish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment ratePolish unemployment rate
137Polish registered unemployed979700Polish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployedPolish registered unemployed
138Employment in enterprise sector in Poland2451227943Employment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in PolandEmployment in enterprise sector in Poland
139Frequency generator114799844Frequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generatorFrequency generator
140Periodic signals2236226144Periodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signalsPeriodic signals
141Flame test1602158044Flame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame testFlame test
142Solution color1371144855Solution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution colorSolution color
143Ionization energy1231112555Ionization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energyIonization energy
144Stable isotopics93395755Stable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopicsStable isotopics
145Galvanic series1093104555Galvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic seriesGalvanic series
146Electron affinity1542147455Electron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinityElectron affinity
147Celtic horoscope1392145444Celtic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscopeCeltic horoscope
148Bird horoscope55454511Bird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscopeBird horoscope
149Moroccan horoscope49048710Moroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscopeMoroccan horoscope
150Japanese horoscope1110108711Japanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscopeJapanese horoscope
151Gypsy horoscope76776611Gypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscopeGypsy horoscope
152Flowers horoscope1758176111Flowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscopeFlowers horoscope
153Roman horoscope85487511Roman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscopeRoman horoscope
154Water density1392138744Water densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater densityWater density
155Crystal lattice energy1308123255Crystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energyCrystal lattice energy
156Elementary particles1856185655Elementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particlesElementary particles
157Electrode overpotential2196228344Electrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotentialElectrode overpotential
158Cooling mixtures1199118155Cooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixturesCooling mixtures
159Electron configuration2168214455Electron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configurationElectron configuration
160Dipole moment units69765255Dipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment unitsDipole moment units
161Dipole moment of substances464600Dipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substancesDipole moment of substances
162Solubility equilibrium of substances1797181555Solubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substancesSolubility equilibrium of substances
163Dissociation constants of substances2099215254Dissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substancesDissociation constants of substances
164Solubility of substances686855Solubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substancesSolubility of substances
165Cryoscopic and ebullioscopic constants1842173254Cryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constantsCryoscopic and ebullioscopic constants
166Solutions density by concentration363644Solutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentrationSolutions density by concentration
167Permittivity of substances2167201055Permittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substancesPermittivity of substances
168Application of radioisotopes1465134555Application of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopesApplication of radioisotopes
169Bond lengths in molecules2329224355Bond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in moleculesBond lengths in molecules
170Bond energy1476149455Bond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energyBond energy
171Standard half-cell potentials983103265Standard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentialsStandard half-cell potentials
172Melting point53750533Melting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting pointMelting point
173Boiling point1356135544Boiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling pointBoiling point
174Standard entropy1471151655Standard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropyStandard entropy
175Standard enthalpy of creation1339143955Standard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creationStandard enthalpy of creation
176Standard free enthalpy of creation1515149454Standard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creationStandard free enthalpy of creation
177Molar volume of gases1197115754Molar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gasesMolar volume of gases
178Molar mass93093755Molar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar massMolar mass
179Critical temperature37838944Critical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperatureCritical temperature
180Critical pressure31832344Critical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressureCritical pressure
181Pressure units2172208655Pressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure unitsPressure units
182Enthalpy of vaporization67470355Enthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporizationEnthalpy of vaporization
183Boiling point calculator2775272855Boiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculatorBoiling point calculator
184Molar to percentage concentration1800185555Molar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentrationMolar to percentage concentration
185Triple point35632445Triple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple pointTriple point
186Clapeyron's equation1799177655Clapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equationClapeyron's equation
187Ohm law1871188255Ohm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm lawOhm law
188Resistance units2444228255Resistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance unitsResistance units
189Voltage units2416233855Voltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage unitsVoltage units
190Electric current units2664244455Electric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current unitsElectric current units
191Concentration of saturated solution1892186355Concentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solutionConcentration of saturated solution
192Amount of substance units1961184255Amount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance unitsAmount of substance units
193Dimensionless quantities units2709261055Dimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities unitsDimensionless quantities units
194Number to wordspartial3140276455Number to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to wordsNumber to words
195Polish PESEL analyzer3459331255Polish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzerPolish PESEL analyzer
196Polish PESEL generator484800Polish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generatorPolish PESEL generator
197Avogadro's law1600158155Avogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's lawAvogadro's law
198Math tables: geometry2447227855Math tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometryMath tables: geometry
199Arithmetic sequence1435149855Arithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequenceArithmetic sequence
200Geometric sequence1438147855Geometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequenceGeometric sequence
201Numerical sequences1321144855Numerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequencesNumerical sequences
202Math dictionary en-pl0065Math dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-plMath dictionary en-pl
203Short multiplication formulas85783155Short multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulasShort multiplication formulas
204Number operations21022655Number operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operationsNumber operations
205Number explorer5951548055Number explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorerNumber explorer
206Exponentiation: formulas3465344555Exponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulasExponentiation: formulas
208Math constants2243239055Math constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constantsMath constants
209e number94992255e numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere numbere number
210BASE64 encodingpartial1525144455BASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encodingBASE64 encoding
211Logarithm base change100197955Logarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base changeLogarithm base change
212Wire of a given length resistance1197115100Wire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistanceWire of a given length resistance
213Materials resistivity1162105955Materials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivityMaterials resistivity
214Electric resistivity units70465900Electric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity unitsElectric resistivity units
215Math tables: stereometry (3D)2519238255Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)Math tables: stereometry (3D)
216Approximation error1695164155Approximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation errorApproximation error
217Math tables: statistics4158404255Math tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statisticsMath tables: statistics
218Math tables: combinatorics1843164555Math tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatoricsMath tables: combinatorics
222Trigonometry identities1274124755Trigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identitiesTrigonometry identities
223Math table: linear function2065204755Math table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear functionMath table: linear function
224Linear function565600Linear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear functionLinear function
225Math table: quadratic function2260211655Math table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic functionMath table: quadratic function
226Quadratic function595900Quadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic functionQuadratic function
227Math table: homographic function1952202555Math table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic functionMath table: homographic function
228Homographic function616100Homographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic functionHomographic function
229Math table: exponential function1336126455Math table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential functionMath table: exponential function
230Exponential function616100Exponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential functionExponential function
231Equation types4027386555Equation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation typesEquation types
232Linear equation solver1747179155Linear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solverLinear equation solver
233Quadratic equation solver1387131955Quadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solverQuadratic equation solver
234Circle angles: central angle95997855Circle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angleCircle angles: central angle
235Similar triangles1563163355Similar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar trianglesSimilar triangles
236Root: the simplest form1157113255Root: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest formRoot: the simplest form
237IBAN codes1792169155IBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codesIBAN codes
238GS1 prefixes1361118655GS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixesGS1 prefixes
239IBAN decoder404000IBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoderIBAN decoder
240Straight line565600Straight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight lineStraight line
241Straight lines position2189220355Straight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines positionStraight lines position
242Math operation: result signs2362245655Math operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signsMath operation: result signs
243Exponentiation: the simplest form474700Exponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest formExponentiation: the simplest form
244Order of operations1552159455Order of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operationsOrder of operations
245Electoral system2693275455Electoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral systemElectoral system
246Operands and results names0000Operands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results namesOperands and results names
247Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)3605358855Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)Polish Employee Capital Plans (PPK)
248Polish disability pension1959190455Polish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pensionPolish disability pension
249PIT rates in Poland (archive)454555PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)PIT rates in Poland (archive)
250Real work cost in Poland (archive)70376255Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)Real work cost in Poland (archive)
251Taxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VAT0055Taxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VATTaxes over the world: PIT, CIT, VAT
252CIT rates in Poland (archive)1280122255CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)CIT rates in Poland (archive)
253Numbers: variance and standard deviation34034555Numbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviationNumbers: variance and standard deviation
254Linear regression88289500Linear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regression
255Inflation in Poland (archive)434300Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)Inflation in Poland (archive)
256Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)41643455Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)Economic growth rate in Poland (archive)
257Money worth56456200Money worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worthMoney worth
258Math tables: analytic geometry59059755Math tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometryMath tables: analytic geometry
259Minimum wages over the world33929400Minimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the worldMinimum wages over the world
260Average wages over the world33929400Average wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the worldAverage wages over the world
261Effective tax over the world33228755Effective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the worldEffective tax over the world
262Gross↔net salary over the world53352800Gross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the worldGross↔net salary over the world
263Country ISO codes1469148855Country ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codesCountry ISO codes
264Top-level domains3114300555Top-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domainsTop-level domains
265Punycode encoding (IDN)89786655Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)Punycode encoding (IDN)
267Force units2393246255Force unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce unitsForce units
268Inflation over the world (archive)1522146755Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)Inflation over the world (archive)
269Coordinate systems types2738275555Coordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems typesCoordinate systems types
270Math tables: coordinate systems353500Math tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systemsMath tables: coordinate systems
271Units of measurement: CGS1436140055Units of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGSUnits of measurement: CGS
272Paper size1563151255Paper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper sizePaper size
273Decimal to fraction1604168955Decimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fractionDecimal to fraction
274Text compare868644Text compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compareText compare
275JSON compare1598148755JSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compareJSON compare
276CSS compare87079655CSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compareCSS compare
277Polish accident insurance1723181855Polish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurancePolish accident insurance
278Corona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVE103513300Corona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVECorona Virus Outbreak 2020 LIVE
279Polish ZUS: preferential1762171055Polish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferentialPolish ZUS: preferential
280Morse alphabet23221355Morse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabetMorse alphabet
281Morse code translator1305122500Morse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translatorMorse code translator
282Braille alphabet17417166Braille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabetBraille alphabet
283Braille translator22121200Braille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translatorBraille translator
284URL encode/decode97589255URL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decodeURL encode/decode
285Well-known TCP/UDP ports2010192655Well-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP portsWell-known TCP/UDP ports
286HTML parser0000HTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parserHTML parser
287Currency ISO codes2029196155Currency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codesCurrency ISO codes
288Exponential regression1226116100Exponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regressionExponential regression
289Logarithmic regression1158113500Logarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regressionLogarithmic regression
290Polynomial regression1685155000Polynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regressionPolynomial regression
291Power regression1169112600Power regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regressionPower regression
292Regression types87884200Regression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression typesRegression types
293Symbolic calculations0000Symbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculationsSymbolic calculations
294Time units1679157355Time unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime unitsTime units
295Electrical capacitance units3042292055Electrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance unitsElectrical capacitance units
297General equation solver474700General equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solverGeneral equation solver
298Sound intensity level (dB)1445139955Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)Sound intensity level (dB)
299Sound velocity in materials1984198555Sound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materialsSound velocity in materials
300Acoustic impedance of substances1863177055Acoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substancesAcoustic impedance of substances
301Sound wave reflection3348331155Sound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflectionSound wave reflection
302Mass law: single wall1902184055Mass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wallMass law: single wall
303Mass law: double wall2367217555Mass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wallMass law: double wall
304Sound absorption coefficients1771167255Sound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficientsSound absorption coefficients
305Sound reduction index (SRI)0065Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)Sound reduction index (SRI)
306Noise propagation1031100155Noise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagationNoise propagation
307Sound insulation countours0087Sound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countoursSound insulation countours
308Sound transmission class (STC)0065Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)Sound transmission class (STC)
309Young's modulus of substances1227115955Young's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substancesYoung's modulus of substances
310UK: Basic state pension91683455UK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pensionUK: Basic state pension
311Mongo Object Id2029175055Mongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object IdMongo Object Id
312UUID/GUID generator404000UUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generatorUUID/GUID generator
313UUID/GUID decoder3197311955UUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoderUUID/GUID decoder
314Nano ID generator1063107055Nano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generatorNano ID generator
315FourCC codes87284055FourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codesFourCC codes
316PnP Vendor ID1506147355PnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor IDPnP Vendor ID
317Polish lump-sum tax rates112194454Polish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax ratesPolish lump-sum tax rates
318Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)2016209855Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)Polish health contribution (lump-sum tax)
319Polish treasury bonds2584259555Polish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bondsPolish treasury bonds
No.NamePermalinknewbetapolishOnlyCalculatorConverterTableCarAndTravelUnitsIsoMathPhysicsFinanceHomeHealthJobComputersTextTimeChemistryEsotericismAudioGeneratorDecoderElectronicArticlegui. items. CalculomatRootItemgui. items. InfoFrameOutputgui. items. LookupTableOutputgui. items. PlainHtmlOutputgui. items. SectionHeadertextSections. pl. externalLinkstextSections. pl. factstextSections. pl. linksToV1textSections. pl. permalinktextSections. pl. seeAlsotextSections. pl. tagsAndLinksToThistextSections. pl. tagsToThistextSections. en. externalLinkstextSections. en. factstextSections. en. linksToV1textSections. en. permalinktextSections. en. seeAlsotextSections. en. tagsAndLinksToThistextSections. en. tagsToThistextSections. pl. howTotextSections. pl. whatFortextSections. en. howTotextSections. en. whatForgui. items. FormOfLabelAndItemgui. items. HeadFootTablegui. items. MathOutputgui. items. NumberOutputgui. items. SelectInputgui. items. SymbolicExpressionInputgui. items. SymbolicExpressionOutputproviders. conv. LengthtextSections. pl. aboutLengthtextSections. pl. aboutSymbolicMathSupporttextSections. pl. aboutUnittextSections. pl. howToConverttextSections. en. aboutLengthtextSections. en. aboutSymbolicMathSupporttextSections. en. aboutUnittextSections. en. howToConvertproviders. conv. Massgui. items. NumberInputgui. items. RadioInputgui. items. SingleLineTextInputgui. items. TextOutputtextSections. pl. changestextSections. pl. inputDesctextSections. en. changestextSections. en. inputDescdynamicIOtextSections. pl. formula_01textSections. pl. formula_02textSections. pl. formula_03textSections. en. formula_01textSections. en. formula_02textSections. en. formula_03providers. conv. VelocityfriendlySummarygui. items. Buttongui. items. CashInputgui. items. Headergui. items. PlainHtmlFrameOutputproviders. dataset. CountryIsoCodesproviders. dataset. CurrencyIsoCodesproviders. conv. Volumeproviders. conv. DataStoragetextSections. pl. jokesproviders. conv. Areaproviders. conv. Energygui. items. FactorizeFactorsOutputgui. items. FactorizeGroupedFactorsOutputgui. items. BigTextInputgui. items. YesNoOutputgui. items. CashFactorInputproviders. conv. TemperaturetextSections. en. aboutUnitsgui. items. FoldUnfoldInputgui. items. SmallTextInputgui. items. TemplateSettingsSelectorgui. items. AdvancedSentencesItemgui. items. FractionInputsettings. FractiontextSections. pl. trickstextSections. en. tricksproviders. conv. Powerproviders. conv. AngletextSections. pl. angleTypestextSections. en. angleTypesgui. items. CashOutputgui. items. PercentOutputproviders. dataset. NbpCurrenciestextSections. pl. loanCostLimitPLgui. items. CheckBoxInputgui. items. TextFrameOutputproviders. custom. TaxProviderPLtextSections. pl. AboutNowyLadtextSections. pl. AboutTaxAdvancestextSections. pl. archive_facts_2018textSections. pl. archive_facts_2019_2020_2021textSections. pl. howCalcullateEarningstextSections. pl. legalBasetextSections. en. AboutNowyLadtextSections. en. AboutTaxAdvancestextSections. en. archive_facts_2018textSections. en. archive_facts_2019_2020_2021textSections. en. howCalcullateEarningstextSections. en. legalBasegui. items. DateInputtextSections. pl. descriptiontextSections. en. descriptiontextSections. pl. upToDatetextSections. en. upToDateproviders. custom. UstawowePodatkoweOdsetkigui. items. MonthInputproviders. dataset. IBANFormatgui. items. TimeAmountInputtextSections. pl. postepowanieUproszczonetextSections. pl. controversiestextSections. en. controversiesproviders. conv. Bandwidthgui. items. BigIntInputgui. items. BigIntStatusOutputgui. items. ClockInputgui. items. TimeInputgui. items. TimeOutputgui. items. DateOutputgui. items. TimeDiffOutpututils. BirthDateStatisticsutils. TimestampFormatterutils. ZodiactextSections. pl. Facts_PLtextSections. pl. Facts_UKtextSections. pl. Facts_UStextSections. pl. Facts_WorldtextSections. en. Facts_PLtextSections. en. Facts_UKtextSections. en. Facts_UStextSections. en. Facts_WorldtextSections. pl. FractionsEqualTesttextSections. pl. HowToComputeDifferencetextSections. pl. WhichFractionGreaterTesttextSections. en. FractionsEqualTesttextSections. en. HowToComputeDifferencetextSections. en. WhichFractionGreaterTesttextSections. pl. exampleDesctextSections. en. exampleDescproviders. conv. FuelConsumptiongui. items. FormattedListOutputtextSections. pl. betatextSections. en. betaproviders. custom. PolishSelfEmploymentgui. items. TimeAmountMsOutputgui. items. TimeRealMsOutputproviders. custom. PolishSubsistenceAllowanceproviders. custom. PolishNbpRatesproviders. conv. Densityproviders. conv. NumberBasegui. items. ChemicalFormulaOutputproviders. dataset. DensityOfSubstancesproviders. conv. SpecificHeatproviders. dataset. SpecificHeatOfSubstancesgui. items. SymbolicExpressionStepsOutputproviders. conv. RomanNumberstextSections. pl. archive_facts_before_2022textSections. en. archive_facts_before_2022gui. items. CodeOutputtextSections. pl. x87vsSIMDtextSections. en. x87vsSIMDproviders. conv. Frequencyproviders. dataset. MusicNotesproviders. dataset. CelestialBodiesproviders. dataset. pl. unemploymentRateproviders. dataset. pl. registeredUnemployedproviders. dataset. pl. employmentInEnterpriseSectorproviders. dataset. ChemicalElementstextSections. pl. aboutDensitytextSections. en. aboutDensitytextSections. pl. dataSourcetextSections. en. dataSourceproviders. conv. DipoleMomentproviders. dataset. DipoleMomentOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. SolubilityEquilibriumOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. DissociationConstantsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. SolubilityByTemperatureOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. CryoscopicEbullioscopicConstantsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. DensityByConcentrationOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. PermittivityOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. BondLengthsOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. MeltingPointOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. BoilingPointOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardEntropyOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardEnthalpyOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. StandardFreeEnthalpyOfSubstancesproviders. conv. AmountOfSubstanceproviders. conv. MolarVolumeproviders. dataset. MolarVolumeOfSubstancesproviders. conv. MolarMassproviders. dataset. MolarMassOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. CriticalTemperatureOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Pressureproviders. dataset. CriticalPressureOfSubstancesproviders. conv. EnergyPerAmountOfSubstanceproviders. conv. EnergyPerMassproviders. dataset. EnthalpyOfVaporizationOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. EnthalpyOfVaporizationAndBoilingPointOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Dimensionlessproviders. conv. MolarConcentrationproviders. dataset. TriplePointOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Currentproviders. conv. Resistanceproviders. conv. Voltagegui. items. FractionOutputgui. items. CodeFrameOutputproviders. conv. Resistivityproviders. dataset. ResistivityOfSubstancesproviders. conv. Conductanceproviders. conv. Conductivityproviders. dataset. GS1PrefixestextSections. pl. programmingtextSections. en. programmingtextSections. pl. articleBodytextSections. en. articleBodyproviders. dataset. InternationalTaxRatesAlltextSections. pl. aboutCITtextSections. pl. aboutPITtextSections. pl. aboutVATtextSections. en. aboutCITtextSections. en. aboutPITtextSections. en. aboutVATproviders. dataset. pl. inflationRateproviders. dataset. pl. economicGrowthAnnualRateproviders. dataset. pl. economicGrowthQuarterlyRateproviders. dataset. earningsproviders. dataset. EffectiveTaxproviders. conv. Forceproviders. dataset. us. inflationRatetextSections. pl. announcementtextSections. pl. keyFactstextSections. en. announcementtextSections. en. keyFactsgui. items. PlayMorseButtonComponentproviders. conv. Timeproviders. conv. Capacitanceproviders. dataset. SoundVelocityOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. AcousticImpedanceOfSubstancestextSections. pl. aboutSoundInsulationtextSections. en. aboutSoundInsulationtextSections. pl. aboutRoomWithinTheRoomtextSections. en. aboutRoomWithinTheRoomtextSections. pl. aboutSoundInsulationRatingstextSections. en. aboutSoundInsulationRatingsproviders. dataset. YoungModulusOfSubstancesproviders. dataset. FourCC
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