2020.06.17: New calculators: sum, min-max, average and more
New series of calculators published. We call it "number stats" - you can compute average of given set of numbers, find min, max, median, sum and some other useful stats.Those calculators accept a list of number in any form - you can copy/paste a plain numbers list to process, but you can also paste a bit of text and the calculator will try to extract the numbers from whatever you pasted.
Check that:
- Find min and max in a series of numbers: Numbers: min-max
- Calculate the average and median: Numbers: average & median
- Show a lot more stats: variance, standard deviation, sort them in ascending or descending order: Numbers: sum & statistics
2020.03.15: New calculator: UK: Mileage Allowance Payments
For all hard-working people in UK who can claim their miles to their employers: UK: Mileage Allowance Payments (MAP).Employees, self-employed and limited company directors - everyone can claim "business miles" tax-free.
2020.02.22: New table: Table of Polish Insurance Contributions ZUS
Added a collection of data for polish business entities Polish ZUS: rates and base. This is data starting from 2007, refreshed and updated frequently.2020.02.21: New table: shoe size in the world
We just added a simple but practical table of shoe sizes. American shoe size, European shoe size, British, men's/woman's etc. - so many different ways of saying "that's the size of my foot, I need a shoe !"2020.01.04: New calculator: add or subtract days to date
One more calculator related to time and dates: Add or subtract days/months/years to date. What date is 1000 days from now ? What day was 1000 days before today excluding weekends ? This calculator answers those questions.2020.01.03: New calculator: Sleep time
Sleeping is a major "activity" taking huge part of your life. We finished time spent sleeping calculator which helps finding out the statistics of your sleep - like how many hours you did sleep starting from your birth.2019.08.15: New calculator: Number base converter
We finally tested Numeral systems well enough, to say it's no longer in beta tests. So, yeah, officially Numeral systems has been released today!2019.07.27: Calculla on Discord - quick chat
We respond to many emails about internals of our calculators, bugs in their implementation, requests to add some functionalities and much more. We thought it's gonna be easier if we have more rapid way of communication with Calculla users.We created Discord channel for Calculla - join us!
At the moment - that's just a test. We're going to find out if it really works for us and if it really helps keeping touch with Calculla guests.
Let us know if you like it...
2019.04.26: New calculator: LOGARITHM BASE CONVERTER
Just released new calculator for Logarithm base change - logarithm is pure math of course, but the main purpose of that calculator is for more general science.2019.04.25: Calculla Finally on secure https connection
We finally converted Calculla to secure website. We are now using https. No more annoying "Not secure" notifications from the browser.Hopefully, everything is still working as before for you !
Technicals: We used Free Certificates from Let's Encrypt.
2018.06.20: More calculators related to time
We've just published another 2 new calculators related to time:- Time to holidays - find how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) left to incoming holidays - where few next holidays are shown
- Work time - computes number of work hours in given period.
2018.06.19: State pension age calculator
Various countries have different rules of when you can go for state pension, to retire officially.We gathered data for many countries and created a new calculator of retirement date.
You simply enter your date of birth and select the country and the calculator will tell you what is the date of your retirement.
It shows you also comparison between different countries.
2018.06.18: Zodiac sign calculator
We just published new calculator of zodiac sign. Just enter your date of birth - and you have you zodiac sign displayed.As the number of this type of calculators is growing, we've also created new category of calculators - esotericism/numerology.
2018.05.14: 2 new calculators related to time
We've just published 2 new calculators related to time:- Life time - how many days/hours/minutes have you lived ?
- Wedding anniversary - when is your next wedding anniversary and how is it called ?
2018.03.30: New Table: Ranges of electromagnetic waves
We just added new table : Electromagnetic waves2018.03.29: New table: the TeX/LaTeX cheat sheet
We introduced a lot of math formulas into Calculla's text recently. Writing math formulas with TeX/LaTeX is obvious and standard way of doing that.To help ourselves and anyone else using TeX/LaTeX we made a Quick TeX cheat sheet.
2018.03.25: Four new math tables added
We're speeding up with our new TeX/KaTeX usage. Just introduced 4 new tables: Trigonometric functions, Trigonometric reduction formulas, Derivative formulas and Integrals - formulas2018.03.24: New tables: Substance density and specific heat
New tables about substance properties: Density of substances and Specific heat of substances2018.03.14: Greek letters
We do a lot of math TeX notation recently. And also HTML math entities notation. For math and physics a lot of greek letters are normally used, so we made a Table of Greek alphabet with TeX and HTML entities.2018.02.15: The time: 4 new time calculators
Today, main topic The Time... We've finished 4 different calculators related to time:- Got a Time formats converter - accepts date in many formats and many calendars. 2018-01-30 or 18/30/01 or 20180130 or Islamic or Persian calendar. Even something for geeks: the UNIX timestamp.
- The How much time between two dates (two different points in time) - you enter two dates and this calculator finds the number of days between those dates. It can skip public holidays, weekends etc. - all configurable.
- The Time (days) to New Year - how many days until we celebrate the New Year ?
- The Time (days) to school break - how many days until we are free from school ?
2017.09.30: Tires once again: DOT codes
One more new calculator related to tires, to make all the tire related stuff complete - the Tire production date (DOT index) calculator released !2017.08.24: New table: polish IKE limits
New table: the annual limits for Polish 3rd pillar retirement pension: Polish retirement pension limits IKE/IKZE2017.02.01: New calculator: fuel consumption
Two new calculators finished, both related to fuel consumption of a car, bike, truck, lorry etc. Take a look at Fuel consumption and Fuel consumption units2017.01.08: Calculla 2.0 released
New Calculla Released ! The version 2 of calculla.com has been finished and published. We still have few improvements to do, but the site is already a lot better than old calculla.More about it here: About new calculla
2015.08.25: Something for drivers: tires index
Two cars related tables released today: Tyres codes - speed ratings and Tyres codes - load index2015.07.30: New math tool: fractions comparator
Just one more fractions calculator - Fractions compare calculator: the easiest way to compare fractions2015.04.06: New math math stuff: more fractions calculators
This time 3 new calculators for fractions: Fractions: add and subtract step by step, Fractions: 4 operations and Fractions: inverse (reciprocal). Each of them shows all sub-steps needed to compute common denominators, create improper fraction (if needed), reduce the fraction etc.2015.03.29: Simple and useful: percents calculator
You love it or you hate it. You understand it or don't have a clue. Percents, percentage is a powerful tool to say about part of something. We made the Percentage calculator to make your life easier.2015.03.11: New simulation: compound interest
New calculator of Compound Interest: It computes the future value of your deposit/investment assuming any interest you'll get every year, you'll just add to existing capital. This way the "compount interest" is being created. This calculator has a little bit similar idea to When I'll be Millionaire calculator we released couple of weeks ago.2015.02.21: If I were a rich man: millionaire calculator
New calculator in finance section, but less serious this time: The Millionaire Calculator. We wish you to gather your first million quick&fast, doesn't matter if the million comes with Dollars, Euros, Pounds or Zlotys (hopefully not Zimbabwe Dollars).2015.02.14: For electronics: resistor colors
New calculator for electronic engineering: Resistor colors calculator.2015.02.07: News for nerds: IP calculator is JS based now
Update: The IP subnets Calculator has been rewritten ! This was the last old-tech calculator done in server-side. Now it's pure client-side - no more website reloads, so works faster !2015.01.18: calculla is celebrating: 50 calculators released
We've released two simple tables with unit prefixes (like kilo, mega, micro, etc.): the SI prefixes table and similar one for IT purposes the binary prefixes table.Also one more IT calculator added: calculator of bandwidth (internet connection bandwidth) - it supports even exotic units of bandwidth like peta-bytes per day.
A small celebration for us: we've just crossed 50 working calculators ! Next milestone is 100 - stay with us !