Resistor's type - number of stripes#
Number of stripes |
Color of stripes and their meaning#
Color name | First resistance digit | Second resistance digit | Multiplier | Tolerance [%] |
Black | 0 | 0 | 1 | - |
Brown | 1 | 1 | 10 | 1 |
Red | 2 | 2 | 100 | 2 |
Orange | 3 | 3 | 1k | - |
Yellow | 4 | 4 | 10k | - |
Green | 5 | 5 | 100k | 0.5 |
Blue | 6 | 6 | 1M | 0.25 |
Violet | 7 | 7 | 10M | 0.1 |
Grey | 8 | 8 | 100M | 0.05 |
White | 9 | 9 | 1G | - |
Gold | - | - | 0.1 | 5 |
Silver | - | - | 0.01 | 10 |
Result - parameters about your resistor#
Resistance | 250 kΩ | |
Tolerance | ± 5% | |
Temperature coefficent | N/A |
Some facts#
- The resistor is one of the three basic passive elements present in electronic circuits (others are the capacitor and the coil).
- Resistor belongs to the passive elements. It means, that it isn't a source of energy. In the case of a resistance, electrical energy is converted into the heat and emitted outside the electronic circuit.
- Most basic parameters characterizing single resistor are:
- The resistance measured in ohms. The symbol for the unit is Ω
- The maximum power, which resistor is able to emit as heat measured in Watts
- The tolerance: how much the real resistance can be different from the one declared by producer. This parameter is measured in percents (%).
- The temperature coefficient: how much resistance depends on temperature changes.
- The resistance measured in ohms. The symbol for the unit is Ω
- Color stripes (codes) put on resistor's body is one of methods used to mark it's parameters. Color stripes can be used to encode resistance, tolerance and optionally maximum power and temperature coefficient.
How to use this tool#
- If you have unknown resistor read color pattern from it and enter it to color table below (by clicking on cells). You get decoded resistor's parameters (resistance value, tolerance and - when you're using six strips pattern - temperature coefficent) in the result table on the bottom of the page.
- If you know resistor's parameter and want to encode them into color strips pattern choose needed parameters in form below color table (resistance value, tolerance and temperature coefficent). Next, you will read colors pattern from schematic resistor's image or from color table (colors used in patterns are bordered).
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In December 2016 the Calculla website has been republished using new technologies and all calculators have been rewritten. Old version of the Calculla is still available through this link: We left the version 1 of Calculla untouched for archival purposes.
Direct link to the old version: "Calculla v1" version of this calculator
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