It's a great way to start browsing through all of the calculators we have, however:
- if you're looking for some specific calculator, it may be better to find it by "category" or "tag" instead of trying this big list below. It's just too big !
- If you're looking for a particular calculator and you have no idea what category or tag may contain that calculator, try using "search".
The converter of any ASCII or Unicode text to numbers. Allows for many format-related modifications of output. Numbers can be hexadecimal, decimal or binary. Setting separators (commas, linebreaks), dividing numbers to groups (ex. put "enter" after each 4 items) - is also "one-click-easy". Supports windows/linux/mac line-break codes.
The whole set of 127 ASCII characters. Table shows decimal (DEC), hexadecimal (HEX), octal (OCT) and binary (BIN) indexes, but also HTML entities (in 3 different formats), ANSI-C entities and ASCII descriptors.
Table shows acoustic impedance of various mediums such as air, water or marble.
Calculator to add numbers. It displays the sum of any given numbers. It also displays columnar addition of these numbers, the carrying (regrouping), partial sums etc. Can be useful for primary school students (learning how to do columnar addition), for financial operations (can be set up to display dollar/cent format) and... for any other addition related purpose.
Calculator computes the new date after adding (or subtracting) given number of days, months or years to given date. It has the option to exclude Saturdays, Sundays and country-specific holidays from the date calculation.
Converts amount of substance from one unit to another e.g. from millimoles (mmol) to number of particles (atoms or molecules depending on substance) or vice versa.
Angle units converter. Converts radians, degrees, turns and many more.
Table shows example usage of selected radioisotopes.
Calculator finds out absolute or relative error basing it on measured (calculated) and reference (ideal) value.
Area units converter. Converts square meters, square foots, acres, hectars and about 50 other units.
Calculator for tasks related to arithmetic sequences such as sum of n first elements or calculation of selected n-th term of the progression.
Table shows average and minimum monthly salary and hour rate (gross), that the employer must guarantee to the employee in Poland. Both current and historical rates are presented.
Table shows average wages (earnings) in different countries. Both annual and monthly incomes are presented
Calculations related to Avogadro's law. Enter known values (e.g. volume or number of moles) and select which value you want to find out (e.g. molar volume) and we'll show you step-by-step how to transform basic formula and reach your result in desired units.
Calculator encodes given plain text using BASE64 algorithm or vice versa. Unicode characters are encoded as UTF-8 before BASE64 encoding is applied.
Calculator for finding out the BMI (Body Mass Index). Just enter your height and weight. The result is the BMI factor itself, but also the interpretation of the factor by WHO description (are you starving? or are you overweight?). It accepts metric units (centimeters and kilograms) or US-like units (feets, inches and pounds).
Bandwidth units converter. Converts KB/s, Mbps etc. All known units of bandwidth in two different bases: 1000 and 1024.
Table shows common constants used in physics and chemistry.
Binary prefixes - kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi etc.
This calculator finds out your sign in bird horoscope based on your birhdate. Check out what bird are you.
Tables show boiling points of various chemical substances. You see name and chemical formula next to temperature converted to the unit of your choice (Celsius deegres, kelvins, Fehrenheits degrees etc.)
Calculator finds out boiling point under selected pressure using Clausius-Clapeyron's equation and reference data for given substance. For example, you can find out what is water's boiling point in high mountains, where the pressure is lower.
Table shows energy of common chemical bonds in selected unit (kJ/mol, atomic units, eV etc.).
Tables show length of chemical bonds in selected molecules.
Table shows how to write ASCII characters in Braille. In addition to standard international characters, polish diactritic character are presented.
Calculator allows you to translate given plain text into Braille.
Table shows rates of polish corporate income tax (CIT). Both current and historical data are presented.
Calculator compares two style sheet documents (CSS) and finds out differences between them.
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given math expression.
This calculator finds out tree sign assigned to your birth day by celtic horoscope. Check out what tree are you.
Calculator for finding chinese zodiac sign. Just give your date of birth - then the calculator will find chinese zodiac sign and zodiac elemental.
Table shows signs and zodiac elementals used in Chinese zodiac.
Calculator show relation between two central angles in circle (disk).
Calculations related to Clapeyron's equation known also as ideal gas law. Enter known values (e.g. pressure and temperature) and select which value you want to find out (e.g. volume) and we'll show you step-by-step how to transform basic formula and reach your result in desired units.
Calculator generates list of possible combinations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Calculator forecasts future value of your money after applying inflation and/or rate of interest.
Calculations finds out concentration (percentage or molar) of saturated solution based on substance solubility or vice versa.
Table shows composition (including mass ratio) of common cooling mixtures i.e. mixtures used to achieve low temperatures.
Converts coordinates from one system to another for example from cartesian to spherical or vice versa. Both two and three-dimensional coordinate systems are available.
Coronavirus 2020 LIVE FEED. We show statistics (infected confirmed, countries, fatalities etc.), news, explanations, interpretations, facts and speculations coming from different sources.
The cost-of-area calculator. It finds the price for a piece of land/property/flat/floor, a cost of painting the wall, a quantity of seed you need to plant your lawn... The expenditure of anything that depends on area in many different units!
Online calculator of electric energy cost. First you set the price for a 1kWh (one kilo-watt). Then you specify all the electric devices you use, and how much of time they are used daily. The calculator computes the yearly, montly and daily usage of an electric energy, and its overall cost... This can be used for household computation, but also for any business costs estimation.
Table shows list of ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 codes assigned to different countries.
Tables show values of critical pressures specified for various chemical substances.
Table shows critical temperatures of various chemical substances.
Table shows cryoscopic and ebullioscopic constant of selected substances.
Table shows lattice crystal energy in kJ/mol for selected ion compounds.
Table shows list of ISO 4217 codes assigned to different currencies such as EUR for Euro, USD for american dollar etc.
Data units converter. Converts bits, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes itd. All known units of data in two different bases: 1000 and 1024. This calculator handles some less known data units: nibbles, octets, pixels (24/48-bit), words, quads, long-words etc.
Calculator computes how much time passed between two points in time. Accepts years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds and computes the difference in friendly format.
Calculator finds out fraction representation of given decimal number e.g. converts 0.25 to 1/4.
Table shows density of selected gases, solids and liquids.
Density units converter - converts units between kilograms per cubic meter, grams per liter, ounces per galon etc. Both metric and imperial (US and UK) units are included. Also, you will find more exotic units here, such as multiplicity of Earth density or femtograms per liter.
Deposit income simulation calculator. Takes your investment amount, nominal annual interest rate, deposit time and some more settings and calculates your income. Shows period-by-period income capitalization/compound.
Table shows derivatives of selected elementary functions of one variable f(x) such as linear function, square function, sine, cosine, logarithm etc.
Converts dimensionless quantity units such as percent, permile, ppm (parts per million) mU (miliuno) etc.
Table shows values of electric dipole moment of various chemical substances given in any unit you prefer such as debyes, coulomb times meter, atomic units of dipole moment etc.
Converts dipole moment from one unit to another e.g. from debyes to atomic units or vice versa.
Common calculations related to disk (wheel, circle). Calculate circle's area or radius or circumference.
Table shows dissociation constants of selected chemical substances in temperature 298K (25°C).
Table shows economic growth rates (GDP growth) in Poland. Both annual and quarterly rates are presented.
Table shows effective tax (work cost) in different countries.
Calculator finds out number of seats in parliament using D'Hondts method.
Converts electric current from one unit to another e.g. from miliamperes (mA) to amperes (A) or vice versa.
More than 170 restivity units. Here you found common units such as ohm times metre (Ω × m) or ohm times inch (Ω × inch), but also less known for example statohm times inch (statohm × inch).
Converts electrical capacitance value from one unit to another e.g. from farads (F) to microfarads (µF) or vice versa.
Table shows overpotential values on selected electrodes.
Table shows common classification of electromagnetic waves based on frequency (wavelength). Also, example methods of producing/generating and applications for given wavelengths are presented.
Table shows electron affinity (i.e. the amount of energy released when an electron is added to atom) for most of chemical elements.
Table shows electron configuration of chemical elements in groundstate.
Table shows basic properties of elementary particles.
Table shows monthly number of employees in enterprise sector in Poland delivered by Central Statistical Office (polish: GUS). Values are given in thousands of people. Current and historical data are presented.
Energy units converter. Converts joules, calories, many physical, british, american and time related units.
Tables show (latent) heat of vaporization of various chemical substances under normal conditions (1013,25 hPa, 25 °C).
Short summary of common equation types (algebraic, linear, differential etc.).
Calculator for common operations related to exponential function.
Calculator finds out coefficient of exponent function y=a×exp(bx) that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Tables show common formulas and properties related to exponentiation (power function).
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given power (exponentiation) expression. Shows all the step-by-step progress of simplification.
Table shows flame colors specific to given chemical elements such as yellow-orange for sodium (Na), red-cherry for lithium (Li) etc.
Calculator shows internal representation of IEEE 754 floating point numbers, as it is stored in computer's memory. You can see binary, hexadecimal and decimal dump of the number including split into sign, exponent and mantisa parts. Both single and double floating numbers are supported.
Calculator finds out your flower in flower horoscope. Check out what flower are you.
Converts force from one unit to another e.g. from newtons (N) to dynes (dyn) or vice versa.
Table shows list of fourCC identifiers for common video codecs.
Fraction explorer - it displays info related to given fraction. Simply enter a fraction and get equal proper fraction, improper (top-heavy) fraction and simplified fraction. Displays also numerator and denominator factors.
Calculations on fractions - it performs operations on two given fractions. Simply enter two fractions and get them added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by each other. You will get sum, difference, product and quotient of these two.
Calculator shows how to add or subtract two fractions step by step. Simply enter two fractions, select add or subtract and get list of all partial steps needed to compute result. Train your math with calculla!
Calculator compares two fractions and tells you if they are equal or different. If given fractions are different, the calculator will let you know which one is greater, which one is smaller and what is the difference between them.
Calculator finds multiplicative inverse of given fraction or number.
Generates sound with specified frequency and waveform type (sine, triangle etc.).
More than 25 frequency units. Common SI units such as hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz), gigahertz (GHz), but also some less known like radians per seconds, RPM (rotatinions per minute) or degrees per hours.
Calculator helps you with common calculations related to fuel cost and consumption. You will find out how much you spend on fuel, what is the average fuel consumption of your vehicle, how much you will spend on the journey in your car or how much fuel you should refuel in order to reach the goal etc.
Fuel consumption units converter. Converts l/100km, miles/gallon and many other british, american and metric based units.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) calculator - solves GCD for given numbers. Displays all prime dividers (in a school-like way), so you know how the solution can be found. It can find the GCD for up to 10 numbers at once !
Table summarizes GS1 country codes also known as barcode prefixes.
Table shows basic physical properties of our Galaxy i.e. Milky Way. Presented data are for example diameter, mass, mean density etc. but also less common like distance of the Sun from the center of the Galaxy.
Table shows electrochemical potential of selected elements i.e. so-called galvanic series.
Calculator finds out solution of equation given in any L=R form.
Calculator for tasks related to geometric sequences such as sum of n first elements or calculation of selected n-th term of the progression.
Table shows small and big greek letters with their example usage in various kind of science such as mathematics, physics or chemistry. Additionally, it shows how to get a given greek letter in the HTML code (so-called HTML entities), TeX and TeX based formats such as LaTeX, KaTeX, MathJax etc. or in the UNICODE system.
Calculator finds out approximated net (so called: take-home) salary and total employee cost for different countries. Let's compare labor cost over the world.
This calculator finds out your card (ace diamonds, seven spades etc.) in Gypsy horoscope. Check out what is your lucky card.
Lookup table (4096 entries) for fast manual conversion of decimal to hex, or hex to decimal numbers.
Calculator tries to pull out plain text data (e.g. tables or lists) from your html code.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to homographic function such as calculating value at given point, calculating discriminant or finding out function asymptotes.
Table summarizes formats of IBAN (International Bank Account Number) numbers used in different countries.
Calculator splits given account number (IBAN) into parts such as ISO country code, check digits etc.
Online utility for IP address calculations including netmask, broadcast and network addresses, wildcard mask, usable ranges, address format conversion etc. Accepts IP-s in hex/dec and also as one unsigned int number.
The whole set of ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) characters. Table shows decimal (DEC), hexadecimal (HEX), octal (OCT) and binary (BIN) indexes, but also HTML entities (in 3 different formats), ANSI-C entities, unicode (HEX, OCT and DEC) and textual descriptors.
Table shows annual inflation rates in Poland since 1950.
Table shows annual inflation rates in various countries.
Table shows indefinite integrals (antiderivative) of selected functions.
Table shows ionization energy of chemical elements given in kJ/mol.
The online calculator for checking correctness of ID numbers. It validates: IBAN (bank account number), EAN (article), ISBN (book), ISMN (music), ISSN (serial). Just enter the code (with or without any dots, spaces, slashes etc.) and in a moment you will know, if it is a valid code and which one of them.
Calculator compares two JSON documents and finds out differences between them.
This calculator finds out your care number in Japanese horoscope based on your birth date.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) calculator - finds LCM for up to 10 given numbers and shows process of dividing by primes with the school-like vertical notation.
Length units converter - converts units between kilometers, meters, decimeters, angstroms, miles, feet, inches, american/imperial units, nautical (sea) units and astronomical units
Calculator computes the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, which have passed since your date of birth. In other words, it calculates how long you live.
Calculator finds out solution of linear equation given in general ax+b=0 form.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to linear function such as calculating value at given point or finding out zero of a function (root).
Calculator finds out coefficient of linear function that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Loan calculator - interest, monthly payments, principal part, one time fees. Mortgage. Amortizing and term loan considered.
Table shows common properties and formulas related to logarithms (logarithm function).
Calculator converts given logarithm value from one base (e.g. decimal) to another (e.g. natural) quickly.
Calculator finds out coefficient of logarithmic function y=a+ln(bx) that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) values assigned to given network type.
Mass (weight) units converter - converts units between metric (tons, kilograms, etc.), Avoirdupois/US (pounds, ounces) and troy systems
Calculator finds out sound reduction in decibels (dB) for double layer wall with given density, thickness and air gap width using so-called mass law equation.
Calculator finds out sound reduction in decibels (dB) for single layer wall with given density and thickness using so-called mass law equation.
Table shows resistivity values of common materials (substances).
Table constrains over 200 mathematical constants with common informations such as approximated value, date of discovery or last known precision (number of significant digits). This includes basic constants (e.g. pi number), but also less common constants such as Khinchin's constant are presented.
Tables contain english to polish translation of common math related phrases. Dictionary entries are grouped into functional groups such as geometry, sequences or - even more specialized - related to isosceles triangle etc.
Table shows how sign of arguments (positive, negative) affect the final result for various math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
Table show common formulas related to exponential function.
Table shows common formulas related to homographic function such as discriminant of the function (ad-bc) or asymptotes formulas (vertical and horizontal).
Tables show common formulas related to linear function such as various form of presentation (slope-intercept, point-slope, constant-slope etc.) or root formula (zero of a function).
Tables show common formulas related to quadratic function such as various form of representation (standard, factored, vertex etc.) or formula for discriminant of quadratic function often called simply delta
Tables show typical formulas related to analytic geometry such as distance between two points.
Tables show common formulas useful in combinatorics such as number of variations (with or without repetition) or binomial.
Table shows formulas for conversion between various coordinate systems for example from cartesian to cylindrical or vice versa. Formulas for both two and three-dimensional coordinate systems are presented.
Tables show typical formulas related to geometry such as surface area of various geometric plane shapes, disk circumference, sphere volume etc.
Table shows common formulas used during statistical data processing such as various types of means (averages), standard deviation or variance.
Table shows common formulas related to shapes (solids) in three dimensions i.e. so-called stereometry.
Tables show melting points of various chemical substances. You see name and chemical formula next to temperature converted to the unit of your choice (Celsius deegres, kelvins, Fehrenheits degrees etc.)
Calculator simulates raising your first million by systematic saving.
Table shows minimum wages in different countries.
Tables show molar mass of various chemical compounds.
This calculator converts molar concentration to percentage or vice versa.
Tables display the volume that one mole of the selected gas occupies.
Online calculator for momentum. Computes values of momentum, mass or velocity using the momentum formula.
Converter finds out the real worth of given amount of money on selected date i.e. after inflation applied. Calculator uses real, historical inflation values.
Calculator decodes (splits) your mongo object id into separated unix timestamp, random value and incrementing counter parts or encodes (generates) new mongo-id.
Table shows common physical properties of the moon such as mean radius, distance from the Earth (average, minimum and maximum), mean density, volume etc.
Table shows all known, natural satellites (i.e. moons) of the planets in Solar System including some common characteristics such as mean radius, semi-major axis, sidereal period or discovery year.
This calculator finds out your moroccan horoscope sign based on given birthdate. Check out what is your body part.
Table shows common Morse codes for letters, digits and selected special codes such as international SOS signal.
Calculator encodes given text message into Morse codes or vice versa. You can also hear (beeps) and see (as sequence of light pulses) your Morse encoded message. For better readability currently played Morse character is highlighted (marked).
Multiplication table with changeable size
Table contains names of large numbers such as million, milliard, billion etc., but also less common e.g. quintilliard. Calculator supports two naming systems (so-called scales): "short scale" (used in most English-speaking countries e.g. UK or USA) and "long scale" (used in most of continental Europe countries).
Calculator generates nano ID sequences with desired length and pool of characters used (alphabet).
Calculator finds out sound wave at given distance from source with given sound pressure level.
Table shows frequencies of music notes in twelve-tone equal tempered system (12-TET). Both basic tone and up to three harmonic frequencies are presented.
Enter the number and we'll show you lot of information about that number, such as: is it a prime number, which number sets it belongs to (natural, integer, etc.), is it odd or even, positive or negative etc.
Table shows basic properties of mathematical operations such as commutativity of addition or distributive property of multiplication over addition.
A metric units prefixes for numbers (SI prefixes).
This calculator converts given numbers to its textual forms e.g. 3.14 into three and fourteen hundredths.
Calculator computes average and median values from the list of numbers. Find average and median.
Calculator finds maximum and minimum from the list of numbers. Find min/max values.
Calculator accepts list of numbers and displays common statistics about them: average (mean), median, minimum, maximum etc. Summary information about your data series.
Calculator finds out variance and standard deviation from the list of numbers.
Number base converter - converts numbers from one number base (radix) to another number base. Calculator supports popular number bases such as decimal (10), hexadecimal (16), binary (2), but also more exotic like ternary (3), hexavigesimal (26) or duosexagesimal (62).
Tables show common formulas helpful when you performing sequences related tasks such as sum of first n elements of arithmetic sequence or calculation arbitral element of geometric sequence.
Current, voltage, resistance: calculations related to Ohm law. Enter known values (e.g. voltage and resistance of conductor) and we'll show you step-by-step how to transform basic formula and find out missing value (e.g. current)
Article explains the names of operands and result of common math operations such as addition, subtraction or division.
Table shows order of common math operations, which should be applied while performing arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multilication, division etc.
Table shows rates of polish personal income tax (PIT). Both current and historical data are presented, including division into tax thresholds.
Calculator computes cash amount, which polish taxpayers, should subtract from their tax to apply tax-free amount. This value is well-known as tax-decreasing amount.
Table shows tax-free and so-called tax-decreasing amounts in Poland. Both actual and archive values are presented.
Table shows common paper size standards such as A4, A5 etc.
Calculator finds solutions to common percentage problems. It's done in easy way: more like stories and everyday situations, less like math language.
Table shows properties of common periodic signals (sine, square, triangle etc.) such as absolute mean value, effective value or shape factor.
Tables show relative permittivity (to vacuum) of various substances (solvents).
This calculator generates list of possible permutations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Table shows list of 32-bit identifiers assigned to hardware vendors used in Plug & Play devices
Online calculator for finding the amount of cash that can be reimbursed (repaid) by an employer to employee for use of private car (in Poland, by Polish law).
Table shows average exchange rates for all currencies listed by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) for the selected day.
Deposit rates of National Bank of Poland are adjusted each month by Monetary Policy Council (polish: RPP). Both actual and historical data are presented.
Discount bills rates of National Bank of Poland are adjusted each month by Monetary Policy Council (polish: RPP). Both actual and historical data are presented.
Lombard rates of National Bank of Poland are adjusted each month by Monetary Policy Council (polish: RPP). Both actual and historical data are presented.
Rediscount bills rates of National Bank of Poland are adjusted each month by Monetary Policy Council (polish: RPP). Both actual and historical data are presented.
Reference rates of National Bank of Poland are adjusted each month by Monetary Policy Council (polish: RPP). Both actual and historical data are presented.
All basic interest rates of the National Bank of Poland presented in one table. Both actual and historical data are presented.
Polish "interest by law" online calculator.
Table shows rates of polish "interest by law". Both current and historical data are presented, including latest division into interest for delay, capital and interest for delay in commercial (new act from 2016 year).
Polish "interest for late tax payment" online calculator.
Table shows rates of polish "tax interest". Included both current and historical data.
Calculator shows how Employee Capital Plans (Polish: PPK) may affect the further state pension pay-outs in Poland.
Online calculator computes the pension received from both ZUS (polish retirement institution) and Open Retirement Funds.
Calculator decodes given PESEL number (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) and breaks it into date of birth (year, month, day), serial number, gender and checksum (control digit) parts. Just enter your PESEL and we'll show you what data is hidden inside it.
Calculator generates random PESEL numbers (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) matching given criteria such as date of birth, age range or gender.
Online calculator for ZUS payments of a polish worker. For given gross earnings amount it computes all mandatory insurance contributions in Poland. It displays the part paid by the worker and also by the employer. All the values are given as Polish Zlotys and also as percentage.
This online calculator computes the amount of pension received from Polish retirement institution called ZUS.
Calculator finds out preferential social insurance contributions for small entrepreneurs in Poland (so-called small ZUS plus).
Polish ZUS rates with minimal tax base. Included both current and archived (starting from 2007) rates.
Table shows the rate of obligatory accident insurance contribution assigned to different type of work activity in Poland (grouped by so-called PKD codes and risk groups). Both actual and historical rates are presented.
This calculator finds out cost of using private car in job based on monthly flat-rate in Poland.
Online calculator computes cost (fees) of starting private case in Polish court.
Calculator finds out approximated amount of social security pension (disability pension) due to full or partial incapacity to work in Poland.
The earnings, taxes and other costs of working as an employee in Poland. The easy conversion between brutto↔netto (tax↔no tax earnings).
Written order taxation calculator (Polish tax system only). Easy calculation of costs, and taxes. In Poland it is called "Umowa zlecenie".
Calculator of the earnings in Poland during illness.
Table shows the amount of monthly health contribution (polish: NFZ) depending on your annual sales if you use lump-sum tax rates in Poland.
Polish investments amortization online calculator.
Table shows current lump-sum tax rates used in Poland depending on type of activity (PKWiU codes).
Polish notarial wages calculator.
Property purchasing costs online calculator - polish only.
Table shows monthly number of registered unemployed in Poland given in thousands of persons. Data are delivered by Central Statistical Office (polish: GUS). Current and historical data are presented.
Table shows annual limits for polish individual retirement pension (IKE) and individual retirement protection (IKZE) accounts, which are both an elements of the voluntary 3rd pillar retirement pension system in Poland. Included both actual and historical data.
The take-home salary calculator for Poland. It takes your gross income and calculates all your take-home (netto) earnings month by month. It also displays all parts of salary: polish national insurance (ZUS), income taxes and other costs of working as an employee in Poland.
The take-home amount calculator for B2B (Business to business, invoice based) contract. If you work (or going to work) as contractor in Poland, then this calculator helps you to calculate how much you will earn as self-employed.
Calculator finds out the daily allowance for international delegation in Polish business i.e. the so-called subsistence allowance. Calculator takes into account both basic daily allowance rate for given country and overnight accommodation cost.
Table shows daily allowance rates for foreign travels in Polish business or employment.
Calculator finds out the amount of cash available to the employee during national delegation (without travelling outside of Poland) i.e. the so-called subsistence allowance. Calculator takes into account both basic daily allowance rate and hotel flat-rate.
Table shows daily allowance rates for national travels in Polish business or employment. Included both actual and historical data.
Table shows retail treasury bonds available in Poland.
Table shows unemployment rate in Poland published by Central Statistical Office (polish: GUS). Current and historical data since 1990 are presented.
Online calculator for finding number of vacation days in employment in Poland. The more years of work you have on your account, the more days of vacation you will have.
This calculator computes the qualifying period of employment (work) in Poland, according to polish employment law. You enter employment start and end dates, then this calculator will display a number of years, months and days of employment.
Calculator finds out coefficients of polynomial that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Calculator finds out coefficients of power function y = a xb that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Power units converter. This calculator converts between horsepower, wats and over a dozen other power units.
Pressure units converter. Easy conversion of pascals, atmosfpheres, bars and other pressure related units.
Calculator finds out pressure based on force and area.
Prime numbers and factors online calculator (really fast). Give it an integer number, and you got the answers: Is the number prime? If not, what are prime factors? What are results of dividing by prime factors ? What is next/previous prime number ? All of those questions answered here. Used computation method makes this prime number calculator one of the fastest in the web.
Calculator encodes given domain using punycode algorithm or vice versa. Encoded domain name is ready to use with International Domain Name (IDN).
- Quadratic equation solverquadratic equation↔ax²+bx+c=0↔equation solution↔second degree equation↔delta↔discriminant↔roots↔etc.
Calculator finds out solution of quadratic equation given in general ax²+bx+c=0 form.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to quadratic function such as calculating value at given point, calculating discriminant or finding out function roots.
Common TeX (and TeX based systems such as LaTeX, KaTeX, MathJax etc.) commands grouped in one place. Quick TeX cheatsheet/crib helpful while writing any scientific text containing math formulas like mathematical or physical publications.
Generates random numbers and texts. You can use this calculator to generate random passwords.
Table shows effective work cost in Poland including all taxes and insurance contribution, which decreases final net sallary ("on-hand"). Both actual and historical data for various employment forms (employment contract, B2B) are presented.
Calculator applies various types of regression (linear, exponential, logarithmic, etc.) to your meassurement data and finds out function, which fits them best.
Calculator finds out when and how much money do you need to leave your job and become a rentier.
Converts electrical resistance value from one unit to another e.g. from ohms (Ω) to megaoms (MΩ) or vice versa.
Calculator decodes parameters of the resistor (resistance value, tolerance, temperature coefficient) painted as colored bands on the resistor and vice versa.
This calculator finds out your fruit (gooseberry, pineapple etc.) in Roman horoscope, sometimes called also Apollonian. Check out what is your lucky fruit.
Table shows basic Roman numbers (I, II, III, V, X, M, C etc.) and corresponding Arabic numbers.
Convert Roman numbers to Arabic and vice versa.
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given square root expression.
Table shows when summer and winter holidays are in different places in the world. Both actual (ongoing) and historical data are included.
Comparison of different shoe size systems - European (EU), United Kingdom (UK, British), foot size in centimeters (CM) and few more.
Tables shows various short multiplication formulas. Both common formulas such as (a + b)² (square of a sum) and general cases (e.g. any power of a sum) are presented.
Calculator shows relation between two similar triangles. Enter angles and lengths and see live preview of your triangles.
Calculator computes the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, which you slept during your life.
Table shows most common properties of Solar System planets collected into one set of data.
Table shows solubility equilibriums of selected substances, mainly sparingly soluble salts and hydroxides.
Table shows solubility of various substances under different temperature given in grams of dissoluted substance per 100g of water.
Table shows solutions color characteristic to given ions (cations or anions) such as Cu2+ (blue) or MNO4- (purple).
Tables show density of chosen water solutions depending on concentration of dissolved substance at 20 °C.
Table shows sound absorption coefficient for different building materials.
Table shows spectral contour used to measure sound insulation in various standards such as STC or Rw.
Table shows examples of sound sources with various intensity level given in decibels.
Table shows sound reduction indexes (SRI) for common materials.
Table shows sound transmission classs (STC) for common building materials.
Table shows speed of sound within medium compound of various materials such as air, steel or water.
Calculator finds out sound reflection coefficient between two mediums e.g. air-concrete or steel-steel
Table shows specific heat capacity of selected gases, solids and liquids.
Specific heat capacity units converter - converts units based on various energy units (joules, calories, kilocalories), temperature units (Kelvins, Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees) and mass units (grams, kilograms).
Speed (velocity) units converter - converts units between metric (kilometres per hour, meters per second and many more), british-american (miles per hour, foot per second and many more), nautical (knots) and some other (machs, speed of light etc.)
Table shows isotopic composition of chemical elements occurring permanently in nature. Isotopes obtained artificially are not presented here.
Tables show values of standard (1013.25 hPa, 298K) enthalpy of creation (from free elements) of various chemical compounds.
Tables show values of standard entropy (1013.25hPa, 298K) of various chemical substances.
Tables show values of standard (1013.25 hPa, 298K) free enthalpy of creation (from free elements) of various chemical compounds.
Table shows standard potentials of common half-cells at 25 °C.
Calculator checks how many years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds are still left until the day of your retirement.
The stop watch online. Simply start the timer and catch your events with millisecond precision.
Enter parameters of your line (scope and free parameter) and check out what we can say about it such as zero point, function graph etc.
Calculator shows how your straight lines pair are positioned on one plane. It draws a chart of given straight lines if possible. Also, it calculates an angle between those lines.
Short view of symbolic math support in calculla.
Table compares rates of personal (PIT) and corporate (CIT) income and value added (VAT) tax rates in different countries.
Temperature units converter. Easy conversion of Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine and other temperature related (heat) units.
Calculator compares two texts and finds out differences between them.
Calculator computes how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) remaining to all coming holidays within next year. It can disable Saturdays, Sundays and also national holidays specific to country or area.
Calculator computes how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) remaining to celebrate new year.
Calculator computes how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) are left to closest coming holidays or the end of school year.
Time units converter - converts units between seconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, days etc.
Calculator converts date and time from one format to another. Supports number of calendars (Hebrew, Julian, Islamic, Persian, Indian national, Kurdish, Afgan, Mayan) and also computer time (UNIX time and Excel time).
Calculator finds out tire production date (year, weak and month) based on DOT index printed on your tire.
Table shows common list of top-level internet domains such as .com, .net or related to given region such as .pl or .de.
Enter two angles and this caltulator will compute third one for you.
Table shows values of trigonometric functions of selected angles. Included functions are: sine, cosine, tangens and cotangens. Both deegres and radians angles are presented.
Table shows so-called rediction formulas, which allow to calculate values of trigonometric functions of obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) without calculator easily.
Tables show common trigonometric identities and formulas such as Pythagorean trigonometric identity, sine of half angle formula, etc.
Tables show triple points (temperature and pressure) of selected substances i.e. conditions when all three phases (liquid, solid and gas) coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
Table summarizes how to read load index codes printed on tyres and more.
Table summarizes how to read speed ratings codes printed on tyres and more.
Calculator finds out the amount of basic state pension, which you can get depending on number of years worked.
Calculator for mileage expenses (business use of own car in UK). It calculates the "approved amount" that can be claimed tax-free by an employee for using their own car as business travel expenses.
Encode or decode given text using so-called URL-encode used widely to send data over internet e.g. for website addresses.
Calculator analyzes your UUID/GUID number. If it's a correct UUID then it tries to detect used UUID version scheme.
Calculator generates UUID/GUID numbers. The versions v1, v3, v4 and v5 are supported.
Table shows various units (gal, erg, dyne etc.) and corresponding physical quantities (measurements) used in historical CGS (centimetre-gram-second) system. Both basic CGS and EMU/ESU extensions are presented.
Table shows various units (kilogram, metre, ampere etc.) and corresponding physical quantities (measurements). Both basic SI and selected derivated units are presented.
Online VAT tax calculator (VAT is Value Added Tax). Computes net amount, gross amount and tax value depending of given tax rate (handles VAT for many countries and goods types). Really simple tax calculator !
Calculator generates list of possible variations (with our without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Online calculator for velocity. Computes values of velocity, distance or time using the average velocity formula.
Converts voltage from one unit to another e.g. from milivolts (mV) to volts (V) or vice versa.
Converter of volume units (also capacity units). Supports 110+ different units used over the world. Gallons, litres, cubic meters, pints, barrels and 100+ other !
Convert volume to mass and vice versa. Using this calculator you can check what is the weight of a glass of water or what volume does kilogram of feathers occupy. Use the one of predefined substances (water, steal, wood etc.) or enter custom density in any unit (kg/m3, g/cm3, mg/l etc.)
Table shows how density of water depends on temperature. Data were measured under so-called normal pressure i.e. 1013,25 hPa.
The calculator finds out wavelength based on frequency and vice versa. It accepts wave velocity as input, so you can use it for various kinds of waves (sound, light etc.).
Put in your wedding date and Calculla will show you list of your wedding anniversaries.
Table shows list of well-known TCP and UDP ports with assigned applications. Both official standarized by IANA and unofficial, but popular ports are presented.
Calculator shows relation between wire dimensions (length, cross-surface area), kind of material (resistivity) and resistance of the final conductor.
Calculator finds out the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, keywords density etc. in a given text.
Calculator computes number of work hours in given period.
Table shows Young's modulus of various materials such as foam, concrete, rubber etc.
Calculator calculates what is your zodiac sign depending on your date of birth.
Table shows various methods of calculation or definitions of the so-caller e number.