Beta version#
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This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
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Settings - choose a scenario that best fits your needs#
Translator direction | ||
What do you want to do | ||
Morse sound and light player settings | ||
Frequency | Hz | |
Number of words per minute (reference to word PARIS, which is 50 dot long) |
Input - enter your message, which you're going to encode or decode using Morse's alphabet#
Output - your message after conversion goes here#
-.-.- . -. - . .-. -.-- --- ..- .-. -- . ... ... .- --. . .... . .-. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- ...-.-
Some facts#
- Morse Code allows you to send a text message using a series of pulses of varying duration.
- The message in the Morse code consists of:
- short pulses - so-called dots,
- long pulses - so-called dashes, it is assumed that one dash should last at least as much as three dots,
- silence - no impulse for a time corresponding to three dots means the end of the character (letters, numbers etc.), a break lasting as many as seven dots marks the end of a word.
- short pulses - so-called dots,
- The Morse alphabet is a theoretical concept, i.e. it does not specify how to physically send impulses to receiver and vice versa. Depending on the possibilities and demand, impulses can be sent, e.g. using:
- electrical impulses,
- light pulses (e.g. during communication at sea),
- gestures of the body (e.g. spread arms mean a dash, arms raised up a dot),
- etc.
- electrical impulses,
- Morse code is case insensitive. This means that e.g. letters A and a will be coded in the same way.
- The device that uses electrical impulses to send Morse code is telegraph.
- A special sequence of impulses in the Morse code is the international SOS emergency signal, which means a call for help . The SOS signal consists of three short then three long pulses and then three short again. This makes it easy to remember and during repeated transmissions, it doesn't matter if we start with short or long pulses, e.g. as a result of a mistake.
- If you want to learn how to code individual characters using Morse code (letters, numbers, punctuation etc.), check out other calculator: Morse alphabet.
How to use this tool#
- In the first field, enter or paste the text you want to encode or decode using Morse code.
- Below you will see your message after conversion. For greater readability in the resulting message you can see three colors, whose meaning is as follows:
- white - this is plain text after changing character-by-character,
- green - if a fragment of the message was recognized as procedure sign (ang. prosign) e.g. international SOS signal, it will be marked in green. If you want to see the list and meaning of individual special symbols check our other calculator: Morse alphabet,
- red - if we were unable to recognize a fragment of your message, it will be marked in red. These can be, for example, unrecognized letters in Morse code, unrecognized special codes, etc.
- white - this is plain text after changing character-by-character,
- If you want to use a procedure signal in the input text, surround it with angle brace e.g. <SOS> means international SOS signal.
See also#
- If you're interested in various ways of coding information check out our other calculators:
- URL encoding (sometimes called percent-encoding) - used mainly when sending www addresses and forms during HTTP(S) queries,
- BASE64 encoding - a popular way of sending binary data on the internet using protocols originally designed as text,
- Braille alphabet - a way of encoding text using convex points arranged on a plane, designed for the blind people,
- Morse code - a way of writing textual information using pulses of different length, e.g. electric or light, formerly used in telegraphy,
- punycode - a way to encode internet domains containing international characters ouside of Latin alphabet.
- URL encoding (sometimes called percent-encoding) - used mainly when sending www addresses and forms during HTTP(S) queries,
Tags and links to this website#
morse · morse_translator · morse_code_calculator · morse_encoder · morse_decoder · text_to_morse_converter · morse_to_text_converter · morse_player · morse_light_pulses · morse_highlighted_characters
Tags to Polish version:
morse · translator_morsa · tlumacz_morsa · kalkulator_kodow_morsa · szyfrowanie_morsa · deszyfrowanie_morsa · tekst_na_morsa · kody_morsa_na_tekst · zamiana_kodow_morsa_na_tekst · zamiana_tekstu_na_kody_morsa · odtwarzacz_morsa · morse_z_podswietlanymi_znakami · morse_sygnaly_swietlne · morse_z_zaznaczonymi_literami
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