The converter of any ASCII or Unicode text to numbers. Allows for many format-related modifications of output. Numbers can be hexadecimal, decimal or binary. Setting separators (commas, linebreaks), dividing numbers to groups (ex. put "enter" after each 4 items) - is also "one-click-easy". Supports windows/linux/mac line-break codes.
The whole set of 127 ASCII characters. Table shows decimal (DEC), hexadecimal (HEX), octal (OCT) and binary (BIN) indexes, but also HTML entities (in 3 different formats), ANSI-C entities and ASCII descriptors.
Calculator encodes given plain text using BASE64 algorithm or vice versa. Unicode characters are encoded as UTF-8 before BASE64 encoding is applied.
Bandwidth units converter. Converts KB/s, Mbps etc. All known units of bandwidth in two different bases: 1000 and 1024.
Binary prefixes - kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi etc.
Calculator compares two style sheet documents (CSS) and finds out differences between them.
Table shows list of ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 codes assigned to different countries.
Table shows list of ISO 4217 codes assigned to different currencies such as EUR for Euro, USD for american dollar etc.
Data units converter. Converts bits, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes itd. All known units of data in two different bases: 1000 and 1024. This calculator handles some less known data units: nibbles, octets, pixels (24/48-bit), words, quads, long-words etc.
Calculator shows internal representation of IEEE 754 floating point numbers, as it is stored in computer's memory. You can see binary, hexadecimal and decimal dump of the number including split into sign, exponent and mantisa parts. Both single and double floating numbers are supported.
Table shows list of fourCC identifiers for common video codecs.
Lookup table (4096 entries) for fast manual conversion of decimal to hex, or hex to decimal numbers.
Calculator tries to pull out plain text data (e.g. tables or lists) from your html code.
Online utility for IP address calculations including netmask, broadcast and network addresses, wildcard mask, usable ranges, address format conversion etc. Accepts IP-s in hex/dec and also as one unsigned int number.
The whole set of ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) characters. Table shows decimal (DEC), hexadecimal (HEX), octal (OCT) and binary (BIN) indexes, but also HTML entities (in 3 different formats), ANSI-C entities, unicode (HEX, OCT and DEC) and textual descriptors.
Calculator compares two JSON documents and finds out differences between them.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) values assigned to given network type.
Calculator decodes (splits) your mongo object id into separated unix timestamp, random value and incrementing counter parts or encodes (generates) new mongo-id.
Table shows common Morse codes for letters, digits and selected special codes such as international SOS signal.
Calculator encodes given text message into Morse codes or vice versa. You can also hear (beeps) and see (as sequence of light pulses) your Morse encoded message. For better readability currently played Morse character is highlighted (marked).
Calculator generates nano ID sequences with desired length and pool of characters used (alphabet).
This calculator converts given numbers to its textual forms e.g. 3.14 into three and fourteen hundredths.
Table shows list of 32-bit identifiers assigned to hardware vendors used in Plug & Play devices
Calculator generates random PESEL numbers (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) matching given criteria such as date of birth, age range or gender.
Calculator encodes given domain using punycode algorithm or vice versa. Encoded domain name is ready to use with International Domain Name (IDN).
Generates random numbers and texts. You can use this calculator to generate random passwords.
Calculator compares two texts and finds out differences between them.
Calculator converts date and time from one format to another. Supports number of calendars (Hebrew, Julian, Islamic, Persian, Indian national, Kurdish, Afgan, Mayan) and also computer time (UNIX time and Excel time).
Table shows common list of top-level internet domains such as .com, .net or related to given region such as .pl or .de.
Encode or decode given text using so-called URL-encode used widely to send data over internet e.g. for website addresses.
Calculator analyzes your UUID/GUID number. If it's a correct UUID then it tries to detect used UUID version scheme.
Calculator generates UUID/GUID numbers. The versions v1, v3, v4 and v5 are supported.
Table shows list of well-known TCP and UDP ports with assigned applications. Both official standarized by IANA and unofficial, but popular ports are presented.
Calculator finds out the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, keywords density etc. in a given text.