Calculator shows internal representation of IEEE 754 floating point numbers, as it is stored in computer's memory. You can see binary, hexadecimal and decimal dump of the number including split into sign, exponent and mantisa parts. Both single and double floating numbers are supported.
Calculator splits given account number (IBAN) into parts such as ISO country code, check digits etc.
Enter the number and we'll show you lot of information about that number, such as: is it a prime number, which number sets it belongs to (natural, integer, etc.), is it odd or even, positive or negative etc.
Calculator decodes given PESEL number (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) and breaks it into date of birth (year, month, day), serial number, gender and checksum (control digit) parts. Just enter your PESEL and we'll show you what data is hidden inside it.
Calculator decodes parameters of the resistor (resistance value, tolerance, temperature coefficient) painted as colored bands on the resistor and vice versa.
Calculator finds out tire production date (year, weak and month) based on DOT index printed on your tire.
Calculator analyzes your UUID/GUID number. If it's a correct UUID then it tries to detect used UUID version scheme.