Dates difference calculator
Calculator computes how much time passed between two points in time. Accepts years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds and computes the difference in friendly format.

Input dates for calculations#

Start date
End date
Don't includeSaturdaysSundaysPublic holidays
Your region
(needed to adjust holidays list)

Time duration beetwen dates#

Start date2019-10-22 08:34:02
End date2024-10-22 08:34:02
Time duration beetwen
5 years.
60 months.
1827 days.
43848 hours.
2630880 minutes.
157852800 seconds.
261 weeks.
Number of excluded saturdays
Number of excluded sundays
Number of excluded public holidays
Excluded public holidays
Total number of excluded days

Some facts#

  • ⚠ WARNING! Daylight saving time (DST) applies to some regions of the world. Because of that, in the case of longer time ranges, the result obtained with this calculator may slightly differ from the actual one, as this calculator does not support Daylight saving time computations. Usually the difference between summer (DST) and winter time is no more than one hour (this is the case, for example, in the European Union). We will add the support for DTS to this calculator, if users ask for it - so let us know if you need it please.
  • Computing number of days between two dates is not a piece of cake. The main difficulty arises from the fact that different months have different numbers of days. In the Gregorian calendar (i.e. calendar used nowadays), months have 30 or 31 days. The exception is the February, which has 28 or 29 days every 4 years (leap year). Phew... it's not hard to get lost in this mess.
  • In order to avoid the difficulties, sometimes people use some simlpifications. For example, in the world of finances, there is bank year, which has always 360 or 365 days (depending on definition). Also, some banks assume that 30 days is equivalent of full month.

How to use this tool#

  • Simply click-up start and end date in form below and Calculla will count time duration beetwen your dates.
  • If you want to exclude Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays (non-working days), check related option in form.
  • When holidays are excluded, it is important, where are you came from (because holidays are different in different countries). If you use holidays excluding option select proper region.

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • Start date - this is day, when we begin counting. Start date musts be earlier than end one.
  • End date - this is the last day, when counting will be finished. End date musts be later than start one.
  • Don't include (Saturdays/Sundays/holidays) - this options allows you to exclude selected type of days from calculation. For example you can count working days only, by excluding weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and public holidays.
  • Your region - this field is needed only if holidays excluding is enabled (see "Don't include" field). This field allows Calculla to adjust list of holidays to place, where you currently live.
  • Time duration beetwen dates - calculation result goes here. This fields shows how many years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds stays beetwen start and end date.

See also#

  • If you are interested in this page, check our other calculators related to time:
    • Time: Date and time formats - date conversion between different formats and according to different calendars in the world,
    • Time units - converter of different time units e.g. hours to minutes or vice versa,
    • Add or subtract days/months/years to date - check what day it will be for the number of days, months or years you have chosen,
    • Work time - check how many hours or working days fall on selected period,
    • Dates difference - check how much time has passed the dates you selected,
    • Sleep time - check how many hours, days, years etc. you spent sleeping,
    • Life time - check exactly how many hours or days of life are behind you,
    • Time to holidays - check how much time is left until the next period off from work or school,
    • Time to new year - check how much time is left until the end of the current year,
    • State pension age - check how much time you still need to work to get the right to retirement.

Tags and links to this website#

What tags this calculator has#


Links to external sites (leaving Calculla?)#

Ancient version of this site - links#

In December 2016 the Calculla website has been republished using new technologies and all calculators have been rewritten. Old version of the Calculla is still available through this link: We left the version 1 of Calculla untouched for archival purposes.
Direct link to the old version:
"Calculla v1" version of this calculator
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