UUID/GUID numbers generator
Calculator generates UUID/GUID numbers. The versions v1, v3, v4 and v5 are supported.

Beta version#

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Version and parameters of your UUID/GUID#

UUID version
UUID version, which we want to use
Name and namespace (v3 and v5 only)
Name to encode
Namespace UUID
Generate more UUID-s

Results: UUID/GUID numbers generated for you#


Some facts#

  • The UUID is a Universally Unique IDentifier. We can use it to identify objects in the global space.
  • UUID number consists of 128 bits which corresponds to 16 bytes.
  • UUID in text format is usually written as 32 characters separated by dashes which corresponds to the values ​​of subsequent bytes in hexadecimal system starting with the most significant (the so-called big endian order) e.g.

  • The UUID format is standarized in RFC 4122 document.
  • The meaning of individual bytes is different depending on the version and variant (sometimes called a revision) used. RFC 4122 defines 5 versions:
    • version 1 - based on a 60-bit time stamp and 48-bit MAC address,
    • version 2 - modification of version 1 intended for DCE security standards,
    • version 3 - based on the MD5 hash of a known name, e.g. domain or URL, but the meaning of the name is not imposed by the specification,
    • version 4 - based entirely on random numbers or pseudorandom,
    • version 5 - modification of version 3 using the hash function SHA-1.
  • A sample UUID in version 1 contains:
    f68b5140time_low4 bytesed89time_mid2 bytes11ebtime_high_and_version2 bytesa44cclock_seq_and_res2 bytes69d32820f390node6 bytes \underbrace{\overbrace{f68b5140}^{\text{time\_low}}}_{\text{4 bytes}} - \underbrace{\overbrace{ed89}^{\text{time\_mid}}}_{\text{2 bytes}} - \underbrace{\overbrace{11eb}^{\text{time\_high\_and\_version}}}_{\text{2 bytes}} - \underbrace{\overbrace{a44c}^{\text{clock\_seq\_and\_res}}}_{\text{2 bytes}} - \underbrace{\overbrace{69d32820f390}^{\text{node}}}_{\text{6 bytes}}
    • time_low - the least significant 32 bits of the 60-bit timestamp (0xf68b5140),
    • time_mid - next 16 bits of the 60-bit timestamp (0xed89) ,
    • time_high_and_version - the most significant 12 bits of the 60-bit timestamp and 4-bit version number (0x11eb),
    • clock_seq_and_res - 14-bit clock sequence and variant number (0xa44),
    • node - 48-bit (6 byte) MAC address (0x69d32820f390 or 69:d3:28:20:f3:90).
  • The UUID timestamp encoded in versions 1 and 2 is 60 bits. It corresponds to the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since October 15, 1582 which corresponds to the beginning of the Gregorian calendar.
  • Versions 1 and 2 contain the encoded 48-bit MAC address of the host, where the UUID was generated. When the MAC address is unavailable, it is allowed to use a random number - in this case the generated number should have the multicast bit set.
  • The uniqueness of UUID numbers is based on low probability of collision. Versions 1 and 2 also use the MAC address of the host, which is assumed to uniquely identify the network device in the global scale.

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