Calculator generates list of possible combinations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Generates sound with specified frequency and waveform type (sine, triangle etc.).
Calculator decodes (splits) your mongo object id into separated unix timestamp, random value and incrementing counter parts or encodes (generates) new mongo-id.
Calculator generates nano ID sequences with desired length and pool of characters used (alphabet).
This calculator generates list of possible permutations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Calculator generates random PESEL numbers (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) matching given criteria such as date of birth, age range or gender.
Generates random numbers and texts. You can use this calculator to generate random passwords.
Calculator generates UUID/GUID numbers. The versions v1, v3, v4 and v5 are supported.
Calculator generates list of possible variations (with our without repetition) based on entered pool of items.