Poland: Net/gross earnings calculator
The earnings, taxes and other costs of working as an employee in Poland. The easy conversion between brutto↔netto (tax↔no tax earnings).

Input data#

Tax year and earnings
Year of work
Additional information
Do not include tax-free allowance and costs
(use in the case of an additional agreement, bonus etc.)
Do not calculate ZUS (insurance)
(use if you're employed by another employer, which is already paying at least minimal contributions for you)
Include tax-relief for people before 26 y.o.

Common sense tells#

You earn 6000.00 PLN gross.
After deducting taxes and other levies you take home 4319.43 PLN net.

What's going on with my money#

Gross earnings6000.00PLN
ZUS (insurance)822.60PLN
Health (NFZ)465.97PLN
Advance payment towards income tax392.00PLN
Net earnings ("take-home")4319.43PLN

Some facts#

  • Starting from August 2019, people under 26 y.o. in Poland do not need to pay income tax (PIT).
    In 2019: the tax-relief covers annual revenues up to 35636.67 PLN. In 2020, 2021 and 2022 tax-relief covers annual revenues up to 85528 ​​PLN. Revenues exceeding the annual limit remain taxed using tax-scale.

What is this for#

This calculator allows to convert gross to net salary quickly - taking into account the typical factors affecting the take-home earnings.

Another feature of this calculator is to work in the reversed direction i.e. find gross salary basing on the net one.

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • Year of work - select the year of the employment.
    Every year is slightly different. The employment taxation rules and rates in Poland are little bit changing from time to time. Most of the time the changes are just minor adjustments to rates (numbers, factors, percentages). When you select the year of the employment here, the calculator will use the rules and rates for particular year.
    This calculator supports all years from 2007 to 2020 including changes introduced in-the-middle of 2019 tax year and we will update it every year to follow changes of the labour law and tax rates in Poland.
  • Earnings - enter your salary here. You can enter net or gross salary depending on your needs.
  • Additional information - basic information, that have influence on the way how taxes are computed. Simply select fields, which apply to your case.

See also#

If you want to learn more about taxes and other levies paid in Poland, check out our other calculators:

Nowy Ład 2022 (en: New Deal)#

  • At the beginning of 2022 polish government introduced many changes in the tax system. The package of changes was politically promoted by the then ruling party Law and Justice party (polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) under the name Nowy Ład (en: New Deal), Polish Ład (en: Polish Order) or sometimes Nowy Polski Ład (en: New Polish Order).
  • The changes introduced from January 1, 2022 include:
    • increasing tax-free amount to 30 000 PLN,
    • raising the tax threshold for persons using general rules to 120 000 PLN,
    • the health insurance contribution for the self-employed is not constant anymore (polish: NFZ) - instead of the flat-fee paid by all entrepreneurs, new health contribution depends on the income earned/revenues and the selected taxation form,
    • because social insurance contributions (polish: ZUS) for the self-employed may vary from month to month, entrepreneurs need to submit a ZUS DRA declaration every month beginning from 2022,
    • persons who pay taxes according to the tax scale can no longer deduct the health insurance contribution from the tax,
    • new lump-sum tax rates were introduced,
    • new entrepreneurs can't use the tax card anymore (the simplest form of taxation),
    • the introduction of the so-called middle class relief aimed to reduce extra cost of increased health insurance for selected social groups.
  • Government said that Nowy Ład simplifies the polish tax system, as well as reduces the effective tax on people earning less at the expense of people with higher income. Jarosław Kaczyński (leader of the then ruling Law and Justice party) in an interview for the Interia portal said in October 2021 that people living with cunning may lose on Nowy Ład. In January 2022, the television presenter Krzysztof Skowroński spoke about 14 million beneficiaries on the polish state-owned channel TVP INFO.
  • In practice, the Nowy Ład introduced many chaotic and unforeseen consequences. In January 2022, Cezary Kaźmierczak (then president of the Association of Private Employers) suggested that Poland may have the worst tax system in the world in terms of complexity from 2022.
  • At the first half of 2022, the government announced further changes, known in terms of marketing as Nowy Ład 2.0 (en: New Deal 2.0). The changes applied from July 1, 2022 include:
    • reduction of the PIT rate to 12%,
    • elimination of the middle class tax relief,
    • persons who pay lump-sum tax, linear tax or tax card may deduct the health insurance contribution from the tax base.

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Ancient version of this site - links#

In December 2016 the Calculla website has been republished using new technologies and all calculators have been rewritten. Old version of the Calculla is still available through this link: v1.calculla.com. We left the version 1 of Calculla untouched for archival purposes.
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