Calculator to add numbers. It displays the sum of any given numbers. It also displays columnar addition of these numbers, the carrying (regrouping), partial sums etc. Can be useful for primary school students (learning how to do columnar addition), for financial operations (can be set up to display dollar/cent format) and... for any other addition related purpose.
Calculator finds out absolute or relative error basing it on measured (calculated) and reference (ideal) value.
Calculator for tasks related to arithmetic sequences such as sum of n first elements or calculation of selected n-th term of the progression.
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given math expression.
Calculator show relation between two central angles in circle (disk).
Calculator generates list of possible combinations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Converts coordinates from one system to another for example from cartesian to spherical or vice versa. Both two and three-dimensional coordinate systems are available.
Calculator finds out fraction representation of given decimal number e.g. converts 0.25 to 1/4.
Table shows derivatives of selected elementary functions of one variable f(x) such as linear function, square function, sine, cosine, logarithm etc.
Common calculations related to disk (wheel, circle). Calculate circle's area or radius or circumference.
Calculator finds out number of seats in parliament using D'Hondts method.
Short summary of common equation types (algebraic, linear, differential etc.).
Calculator for common operations related to exponential function.
Calculator finds out coefficient of exponent function y=a×exp(bx) that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Tables show common formulas and properties related to exponentiation (power function).
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given power (exponentiation) expression. Shows all the step-by-step progress of simplification.
Fraction explorer - it displays info related to given fraction. Simply enter a fraction and get equal proper fraction, improper (top-heavy) fraction and simplified fraction. Displays also numerator and denominator factors.
Calculations on fractions - it performs operations on two given fractions. Simply enter two fractions and get them added, subtracted, multiplied and divided by each other. You will get sum, difference, product and quotient of these two.
Calculator shows how to add or subtract two fractions step by step. Simply enter two fractions, select add or subtract and get list of all partial steps needed to compute result. Train your math with calculla!
Calculator compares two fractions and tells you if they are equal or different. If given fractions are different, the calculator will let you know which one is greater, which one is smaller and what is the difference between them.
Calculator finds multiplicative inverse of given fraction or number.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) calculator - solves GCD for given numbers. Displays all prime dividers (in a school-like way), so you know how the solution can be found. It can find the GCD for up to 10 numbers at once !
Calculator finds out solution of equation given in any L=R form.
Calculator for tasks related to geometric sequences such as sum of n first elements or calculation of selected n-th term of the progression.
Table shows small and big greek letters with their example usage in various kind of science such as mathematics, physics or chemistry. Additionally, it shows how to get a given greek letter in the HTML code (so-called HTML entities), TeX and TeX based formats such as LaTeX, KaTeX, MathJax etc. or in the UNICODE system.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to homographic function such as calculating value at given point, calculating discriminant or finding out function asymptotes.
Table shows indefinite integrals (antiderivative) of selected functions.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) calculator - finds LCM for up to 10 given numbers and shows process of dividing by primes with the school-like vertical notation.
Calculator finds out solution of linear equation given in general ax+b=0 form.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to linear function such as calculating value at given point or finding out zero of a function (root).
Calculator finds out coefficient of linear function that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Table shows common properties and formulas related to logarithms (logarithm function).
Calculator converts given logarithm value from one base (e.g. decimal) to another (e.g. natural) quickly.
Calculator finds out coefficient of logarithmic function y=a+ln(bx) that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Table constrains over 200 mathematical constants with common informations such as approximated value, date of discovery or last known precision (number of significant digits). This includes basic constants (e.g. pi number), but also less common constants such as Khinchin's constant are presented.
Tables contain english to polish translation of common math related phrases. Dictionary entries are grouped into functional groups such as geometry, sequences or - even more specialized - related to isosceles triangle etc.
Table shows how sign of arguments (positive, negative) affect the final result for various math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
Table show common formulas related to exponential function.
Table shows common formulas related to homographic function such as discriminant of the function (ad-bc) or asymptotes formulas (vertical and horizontal).
Tables show common formulas related to linear function such as various form of presentation (slope-intercept, point-slope, constant-slope etc.) or root formula (zero of a function).
Tables show common formulas related to quadratic function such as various form of representation (standard, factored, vertex etc.) or formula for discriminant of quadratic function often called simply delta
Tables show typical formulas related to analytic geometry such as distance between two points.
Tables show common formulas useful in combinatorics such as number of variations (with or without repetition) or binomial.
Table shows formulas for conversion between various coordinate systems for example from cartesian to cylindrical or vice versa. Formulas for both two and three-dimensional coordinate systems are presented.
Tables show typical formulas related to geometry such as surface area of various geometric plane shapes, disk circumference, sphere volume etc.
Table shows common formulas used during statistical data processing such as various types of means (averages), standard deviation or variance.
Table shows common formulas related to shapes (solids) in three dimensions i.e. so-called stereometry.
Multiplication table with changeable size
Table contains names of large numbers such as million, milliard, billion etc., but also less common e.g. quintilliard. Calculator supports two naming systems (so-called scales): "short scale" (used in most English-speaking countries e.g. UK or USA) and "long scale" (used in most of continental Europe countries).
Enter the number and we'll show you lot of information about that number, such as: is it a prime number, which number sets it belongs to (natural, integer, etc.), is it odd or even, positive or negative etc.
Table shows basic properties of mathematical operations such as commutativity of addition or distributive property of multiplication over addition.
Calculator computes average and median values from the list of numbers. Find average and median.
Calculator finds maximum and minimum from the list of numbers. Find min/max values.
Calculator accepts list of numbers and displays common statistics about them: average (mean), median, minimum, maximum etc. Summary information about your data series.
Calculator finds out variance and standard deviation from the list of numbers.
Number base converter - converts numbers from one number base (radix) to another number base. Calculator supports popular number bases such as decimal (10), hexadecimal (16), binary (2), but also more exotic like ternary (3), hexavigesimal (26) or duosexagesimal (62).
Tables show common formulas helpful when you performing sequences related tasks such as sum of first n elements of arithmetic sequence or calculation arbitral element of geometric sequence.
Article explains the names of operands and result of common math operations such as addition, subtraction or division.
Table shows order of common math operations, which should be applied while performing arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multilication, division etc.
Calculator finds solutions to common percentage problems. It's done in easy way: more like stories and everyday situations, less like math language.
This calculator generates list of possible permutations (with or without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Calculator finds out coefficients of polynomial that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Calculator finds out coefficients of power function y = a xb that fits best into series of (x, y) points.
Prime numbers and factors online calculator (really fast). Give it an integer number, and you got the answers: Is the number prime? If not, what are prime factors? What are results of dividing by prime factors ? What is next/previous prime number ? All of those questions answered here. Used computation method makes this prime number calculator one of the fastest in the web.
- Quadratic equation solverquadratic equation↔ax²+bx+c=0↔equation solution↔second degree equation↔delta↔discriminant↔roots↔etc.
Calculator finds out solution of quadratic equation given in general ax²+bx+c=0 form.
Calculator helpful during common operations related to quadratic function such as calculating value at given point, calculating discriminant or finding out function roots.
Common TeX (and TeX based systems such as LaTeX, KaTeX, MathJax etc.) commands grouped in one place. Quick TeX cheatsheet/crib helpful while writing any scientific text containing math formulas like mathematical or physical publications.
Calculator applies various types of regression (linear, exponential, logarithmic, etc.) to your meassurement data and finds out function, which fits them best.
Table shows basic Roman numbers (I, II, III, V, X, M, C etc.) and corresponding Arabic numbers.
Convert Roman numbers to Arabic and vice versa.
Calculator finds out the simplest form of given square root expression.
Tables shows various short multiplication formulas. Both common formulas such as (a + b)² (square of a sum) and general cases (e.g. any power of a sum) are presented.
Calculator shows relation between two similar triangles. Enter angles and lengths and see live preview of your triangles.
Enter parameters of your line (scope and free parameter) and check out what we can say about it such as zero point, function graph etc.
Calculator shows how your straight lines pair are positioned on one plane. It draws a chart of given straight lines if possible. Also, it calculates an angle between those lines.
Short view of symbolic math support in calculla.
Enter two angles and this caltulator will compute third one for you.
Table shows values of trigonometric functions of selected angles. Included functions are: sine, cosine, tangens and cotangens. Both deegres and radians angles are presented.
Table shows so-called rediction formulas, which allow to calculate values of trigonometric functions of obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) without calculator easily.
Tables show common trigonometric identities and formulas such as Pythagorean trigonometric identity, sine of half angle formula, etc.
Calculator generates list of possible variations (with our without repetition) based on entered pool of items.
Table shows various methods of calculation or definitions of the so-caller e number.