Amount of substance units converter
Converts amount of substance from one unit to another e.g. from millimoles (mmol) to number of particles (atoms or molecules depending on substance) or vice versa.

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Symbolic algebra

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Inputs data - value and unit, which we're going to convert#


11 (mole) is equal to:#


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
yottamoleShow sourceYmolYmolYmolShow source11000000000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000000000}1×10-24Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One yottamole is equal to septylion of moles: 1 Ymol=1024 mol1\ Ymol= 10^{24}\ molShow sourcex1000000000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000000000}
zettamoleShow sourceZmolZmolZmolShow source11000000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000000}1×10-21Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One zettamole is equal to sextillion of moles: 1 Zmol=1021 mol1\ Zmol= 10^{21}\ molShow sourcex1000000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000000}
examoleShow sourceEmolEmolEmolShow source11000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000}1×10-18Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One examole is equal to quintillion of moles: 1 Emol=1018 mol1\ Emol= 10^{18}\ molShow sourcex1000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000}
petamoleShow sourcePmolPmolPmolShow source11000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000}1×10-15Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One petamole is equal to quadrillion of moles: 1 Pmol=1015 mol1\ Pmol= 10^{15}\ molShow sourcex1000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000}
teramoleShow sourceTmolTmolTmolShow source11000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000}1×10-12Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One teramole is equal to trillion of moles: 1 Tmol=1012 mol1\ Tmol= 10^{12}\ molShow sourcex1000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000}
gigamoleShow sourceGmolGmolGmolShow source11000000000\frac{1}{1000000000}1×10-9Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One gigamole is equal to billion of moles: 1 Gmol=109 mol1\ Gmol= 10^{9}\ molShow sourcex1000000000\frac{x}{1000000000}
megamoleShow sourceMmolMmolMmolShow source11000000\frac{1}{1000000}0.000001Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One megamole is equal to million of moles: 1 Mmol=1000000 mol=106 mol1\ Mmol=1000000\ mol= 10^{6}\ molShow sourcex1000000\frac{x}{1000000}
kilomoleShow sourcekmolkmolkmolShow source11000\frac{1}{1000}0.001Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One kilomole is equal to thausand of moles: 1 kmol=1000 mol=103 mol1\ kmol=1000\ mol= 10^{3}\ molShow sourcex1000\frac{x}{1000}
hektomoleShow sourcehmolhmolhmolShow source1100\frac{1}{100}0.01Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One hektomole is equal to hundred of moles: 1 hmol=100 mol=102 mol1\ hmol=100\ mol= 10^{2}\ molShow sourcex100\frac{x}{100}
moleShow sourcemolmolmolShow source111The basic amount of substance unit in the SI system. One mole corresponds to the amount of substance that contains 6.023×10236.023 \times 10^{23} particles (→ see Avogadro's number). Depending on the type of substance, it can be the number of atoms, ions or chemical molecules.1 mol=NA particles=6.023×1023 particles1\ mol = N_A\ \text{particles} = 6.023 \times 10^{23}\ \text{particles} Because definition and properties of the single particle depends on type of substance there is no constant relation between number of moles and mass. It means that, for example, one mole of water has different mass than one mole of atomic helium.Show sourcexx
decimoleShow sourcedmoldmoldmolShow source101010Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One decimole is equal to one tenth of mole: 1 dmol=0.1 mol=101 mol1\ dmol=0.1\ mol= 10^{-1}\ molShow source10 x10~x
centimoleShow sourcecmolcmolcmolShow source100100100Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One centimole is equal to one hundredth of mole: 1 cmol=0.01 mol=102 mol1\ cmol=0.01\ mol= 10^{-2}\ molShow source100 x100~x
milimoleShow sourcemmolmmolmmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One milimole is equal to one thousandth of mole: 1 mmol=0.001 mol=103 mol1\ mmol=0.001\ mol= 10^{-3}\ molShow source......
micromoleShow sourceμmol\mu molµmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One micromole is equal to one millionth of mole: 1 μmol=0.000001 mol=106 mol1\ \mu mol=0.000001\ mol= 10^{-6}\ molShow source......
nanomoleShow sourcenmolnmolnmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One nanomole is equal to one billionth of mole: 1 nmol=109 mol1\ nmol= 10^{-9}\ molShow source......
pikomoleShow sourcepmolpmolpmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One pikomole is equal to one trillionth of mole: 1 pmol=1012 mol1\ pmol= 10^{-12}\ molShow source......
femtomoleShow sourcefmolfmolfmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One femtomole is equal to one quadrillionth of mole: 1 fmol=1015 mol1\ fmol= 10^{-15}\ molShow source......
attomoleShow sourceamolamolamolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One attomole is equal to one quintillionth of mole: 1 amol=1018 mol1\ amol= 10^{-18}\ molShow source......
zeptomoleShow sourcezmolzmolzmolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One zeptomole is equal to one sextillionth of mole: 1 zmol=1021 mol1\ zmol= 10^{-21}\ molShow source......
yoctomoleShow sourceymolymolymolShow source...\text{...}-Derived amount of substance unit in SI system. One yoctomole is equal to one septillionth of mole: 1 ymol=1024 mol1\ ymol= 10^{-24}\ molShow source......


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
number of particlesShow sourceparticlesparticlesparticlesShow source...\text{...}-Number of particles in the probe. Depending on the type of substance, it can be the number of atoms, ions or chemical molecules. Number of particles equals to Avogadro's number is one mole of substance.NA particles=6.023×1023 particles=1 molN_A\ \text{particles} = 6.023 \times 10^{23}\ \text{particles} = 1\ molShow source......

Some facts#

  • The basic SI unit of amount of substance is one mole.
  • One mole of substance contains the same number of molecules (or atoms in the case of free elements that do create molecules) as 12 grams of carbon isotope 12C.
  • In one mole there is 6,022140857 (74) × 10 23 particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.). This number is often called Avogadro number:
    NA=6,022140857(74)×1023N_A = 6,022140857(74) \times 10^{23}
  • One mole of substance may correspond to different mass. For example, one mole of water weighs 18,01528 g, but one mole of carbon dioxide 44,01 g. The mass of one mole of substance is called molar mass and is substance specific. You can read more about molar mass (including molar masses of selected substances) visiting our another calculator: Molar mass.
  • One mole of perfect gas under normal conditions (temperature 273K, pressure 1023 hPa) occupies a volume of 22.42 dm3. You can find more about the volume occupied by various gases in our another calculators: Molar volume of gases and Clapeyron's equation.

How to convert#

  • Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
    • 1000000
    • 123,23
    • 999.99999
  • Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
  • And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.

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