Body part calculator in Moroccan horoscope
This calculator finds out your moroccan horoscope sign based on given birthdate. Check out what is your body part.

Beta version#

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You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
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Inputs data - Your date of birth#

Your date of birth


Your date of birth1994-12-21 (Wednesday)
Your body part in Moroccan horoscopeHands

What else we can calculate from your date of birth#

End date2024-12-21 (Saturday)
Time you already lived before end date
30 years.
360 months.
10958 days.
262992 hours.
15779520 minutes.
946771200 seconds.
1565 weeks and 3 days.
Your zodiac sign♐ sagittarius
Your tree in Celtic horoscopeFig Tree
Your bird horoscope signEagle
Your number in Japanese horoscopeTwo
Your card in Gypsy horoscopeQueen clubs (Q ♣)
Your flower in flower horoscopeLotos
Your fruit in Roman horoscopeMandarin
Time to your birthday
11 months, 9 days, 16 hours, 42 minutes and 27 seconds.
343 days, 16 hours, 42 minutes and 27 seconds.
8248 hours, 42 minutes and 27 seconds.
494922 minutes and 27 seconds.
29695347 seconds.
49 weeks, 9 hours, 42 minutes and 27 seconds.
Time to your birthday
You slept until the end date
about 87664 hours
about 3652.67 days
about 521.81 weeks
about 121.76 months
about 10.15 years
about 33.33% of life


⚠ Note:
Information we used to create this calculator comes from public sources that can be found on the websites.
Please notice, that the mere fact that something can be found in publicly visible sources, does not mean that it is true, verifiable information nor that this information have a scientific basis.
Calculators related to generally understood esotericism (including their principle of operation as well as the legends accumulated around them) are the subject of numerous controversies.
They should therefore be treated not too seriously from the science point of view - more as a form of entertainment or a source of information about existing legends and beliefs.

Some facts#

  • Moroccan horoscope assigns one of the parts of the human body to each birth date.
  • The parts of the body chosen by this horoscope are:
    • head (23 XII - 17 I),
    • legs (18 I - 20 III),
    • throat (21 III - 7 V),
    • stomach (8 V - 2 VII),
    • heart (3 VII - 28 VIII),
    • spine (29 VIII - 5 X),
    • hands (6 X - 22 XII).
  • If you want to know what more we can read from your date of birth check out our other calculators:

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