Volume-substance-mass calculator
Convert volume to mass and vice versa. Using this calculator you can check what is the weight of a glass of water or what volume does kilogram of feathers occupy. Use the one of predefined substances (water, steal, wood etc.) or enter custom density in any unit (kg/m3, g/cm3, mg/l etc.)

Beta version#

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Calculations data#

Volume of samplel
Volume unit
Substance name
Density of substancekg/m³
Density unit
Mass of samplekg
Mass unit

Some facts#

  • ⓘ Remember: Density is the physical quantity that determines the ratio beetwen the mass and the volume that mass occupies.
  • We usually denote the density by d or the small Greek letter ρ (pronunciation: rho).
  • If the sample body has mass m and it occupies volume V, then the density of the substance from which it is composed can be calculated using the following formula:
    d=mVd = \dfrac{m}{V}
    • d = density,
    • m = mass,
    • V = volume.
  • The density unit in SI system is kilogram per cubic meter:
  • Density is a feature of a particular substance. An example of a relatively high density substance is steel. Example of relatively small density is styrofoam, .
    ⓘ Example: If we grab a small steel ball in hand, we can easily feel it's weight. If we grab anologous (i.e. with the same size), but made of styrofoam ball in second hand, then we notice that it is much lighter than the previous one. This is because steel has a much higher density than styrofoam.
  • Substances with high density are good acoustic insulators. For example, making the walls of a room with a thick concrete layer (high density material) will cause what is going on inside to be very poorly audible on the outside.
  • Acoustic insulation does not go hand in hand with thermal insulation. For example: styrofoam (very low density material) is known as a very good thermal insulator, but is unusable as an acoustic insulator.
  • ⚠ WARNING! Substances can change their density depending on temperature and pressure. Therefore density tables also contain the conditions in which they were measured.

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • volume of sample - the volume occupied by the sample in the unit of your choice (e.g. 250 ml). If you know the volume and want to calculate the mass, enter the volume here. If you do the other way around (enter the mass of the sample in "mass of sample" field) then the calculated volume will appear here.
  • volume unit - the unit of volume (liters, milliliters, cm3, etc.),
  • substance name - substance used for calculations: like steel, wood, rubber etc. If your substance is not on the list, you can enter the density directly in the field below or let us know and we will certainly add the missing substance for you,
  • density of substance - the density of the substance. If you have selected the substance from the list above, then its density will appear here automatically. If you have your custom density value, you can enter it here directly,
  • density unit - the density unit you want to use for calculations (g/cm3, kg/m3 etc.),
  • mass of sample - mass of the sample in the chosen unit (e.g. 1kg). If you know the mass and want to calculate the volume, enter it here. Otherwise, enter the volume of the sample in "ConvVolume" field and then the calculated mass will be displayed here,
  • mass unit - mass unit you prefer (grams, kilograms, tons, etc.).

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