Area units converter
Area units converter. Converts square meters, square foots, acres, hectars and about 50 other units.

Symbolic algebra

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Inputs data - value and unit, which we're going to convert#


11 (square metres) is equal to:#


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
square yottametresShow sourceYm2Ym^2Ym²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square yottameter is equals to quindecillion square metres.1 Ym2=1 (1024Ym)2=1048m21\ Ym^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{24}}_{Y} m\right)^2 = 10^{48} m^2Show source......
square zettametresShow sourceZm2Zm^2Zm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square zettameter is equals to tredecillion square metres.1 Zm2=1 (1021Zm)2=1042m21\ Zm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{21}}_{Z} m\right)^2 = 10^{42} m^2Show source......
square exametresShow sourceEm2Em^2Em²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square exameter is equals to undecillion square metres.1 Em2=1 (1018Em)2=1036m21\ Em^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{18}}_{E} m\right)^2 = 10^{36} m^2Show source......
square petametresShow sourcePm2Pm^2Pm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square petameter is equals to nonillion square metres.1 Pm2=1 (1015Pm)2=1030m21\ Pm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{15}}_{P} m\right)^2 = 10^{30} m^2Show source......
square terametresShow sourceTm2Tm^2Tm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square terameter is equals to septillion square metres.1 Tm2=1 (1012Tm)2=1024m21\ Tm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{12}}_{T} m\right)^2 = 10^{24} m^2Show source......
square gigametresShow sourceGm2Gm^2Gm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square gigameter is equals to quintillion square metres.1 Gm2=1 (109Tm)2=1018m21\ Gm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{9}}_{T} m\right)^2 = 10^{18} m^2Show source......
square megametresShow sourceMm2Mm^2Mm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square megameter is equals to trillion square metres.1 Mm2=1 (106Mm)2=1012m21\ Mm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{6}}_{M} m\right)^2 = 10^{12} m^2Show source......
square kilometresShow sourcekm2km^2km²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square kilometer is equals to million square metres.1 km2=1 (1000k m)2=1000 000 m21\ km^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{1000}_{k}\ m\right)^2 = 1000\ 000\ m^2Show source......
square hectometresShow sourcehm2hm^2hm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square hectometer is equals to ten thousand square metres.1 hm2=1 (100h m)2=10 000 m21\ hm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{100}_{h}\ m\right)^2 = 10\ 000\ m^2Show source......
square decametresShow sourcedam2dam^2dam²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square decameter is equals to one hundred square metres.1 dam2=1 (10da m)2=100 m21\ dam^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10}_{da}\ m\right)^2 = 100\ m^2Show source......
square metresShow sourcem2m^2Show source...\text{...}-Base area unit in SI system. A square with sides of one meter by one meter has area equal to one square meter.Show source......
square decimetresShow sourcedm2dm^2dm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square decimeter is equals to one hundredth of a square meter.1 dm2=1 (0.1d m)2=0.01 m21\ dm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{0.1}_{d}\ m\right)^2 = 0.01\ m^2Show source......
square centimetresShow sourcecm2cm^2cm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square centimeter is equals to one ten-thousandth of a square meter.1 cm2=1 (0.01c m)2=0.0001 m21\ cm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{0.01}_{c}\ m\right)^2 = 0.0001\ m^2Show source......
square milimetresShow sourcemm2mm^2mm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square milimeter is equals to one millionth of a square meter.1 mm2=1 (0.001m m)2=0.000001 m2=106 m21\ mm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{0.001}_{m}\ m\right)^2 = 0.000001\ m^2 = 10^{-6}\ m^2Show source......
square micrometresShow sourceμm2\mu m^2µm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square micrometer is equals to one trillionth of a square meter.1 μm2=1 (106μ m)2=1012 m21\ \mu m^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-6}}_{\mu}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-12}\ m^2Show source......
square nanometresShow sourcenm2nm^2nm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square nanometer is equals to one quintillionth of a square meter.1 nm2=1 (109n m)2=1018 m21\ nm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-9}}_{n}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-18}\ m^2Show source......
square angstromsShow sourceA˚2\text{Å}^2ŲShow source...\text{...}-A surface area unit used in chemistry and physics to describe phenomena occurring at the atomic scale. A square with one angstrom to one angstrom sides has an area of one square angstrom. One square angstrom is equal to one hundred-quintillionth of a square meter.1 A˚2=1 (1010 m)2=1020 m21\ \text{Å}^2 = 1\ \left(10^{-10}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-20}\ m^2Show source......
square picometresShow sourcepm2pm^2pm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square picometer is equals to one septillionth of a square meter.1 pm2=1 (1012p m)2=1024 m21\ pm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-12}}_{p}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-24}\ m^2Show source......
square femtometresShow sourcefm2fm^2fm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square femtometer is equals to one nonillionth of a square meter.1 fm2=1 (1015f m)2=1030 m21\ fm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-15}}_{f}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-30}\ m^2Show source......
square attometresShow sourceam2am^2am²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square attometer is equals to one undecillionth of a square meter.1 am2=1 (1018a m)2=1036 m21\ am^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-18}}_{a}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-36}\ m^2Show source......
square zeptometresShow sourcezm2zm^2zm²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square zeptometer is equals to one tredecillionth of a square meter.1 zm2=1 (1021z m)2=1042 m21\ zm^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-21}}_{z}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-42}\ m^2Show source......
square yoctometresShow sourceym2ym^2ym²Show source...\text{...}-Derived surface area unit in SI system. One square yoctometer is equals to one quindecillionth of a square meter.1 ym2=1 (1024y m)2=1048 m21\ ym^2 = 1\ \left(\underbrace{10^{-24}}_{y}\ m\right)^2 = 10^{-48}\ m^2Show source......


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
acreShow sourceacacacShow source...\text{...}-An area unit used to determine the surface of land in Anglo-Saxon countries. Historically, it was an area that could be plowed by a plow pulled by a pair of oxen in one day. One acre corresponds to 4840 square yards or 43 560 square feets. 1 ac=4840 yd2=43 560 sq ft1\ ac = 4840\ yd^2 = 43\ 560\ sq\ ftShow source......
baronyShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Historic unit of surface area used in Anglo-Saxon countries. One baron is equivalent to four thousand acres.1 barony=4000 ac1\ \text{barony} = 4000\ acShow source......
boardShow sourcebdbdbdShow source...\text{...}-Historic unit of surface area used in Anglo-Saxon countries. One board is equal to one twelfth square feet (1/12 sq ft).1 bd=112 sq ft1\ \text{bd} = \frac{1}{12}\ sq\ ftShow source......
circular inchShow sourcecirc in\text{circ in}circ inShow source...\text{...}-The area of disk with one inch diameter.1 circ in=π4 sq in1\ circ\ in = \dfrac{\pi}{4}\ sq\ inShow source......
circular mil (thou)Show sourcecirc mil\text{circ mil}circ milShow source...\text{...}-The area of disk with one mil diameter.1 circ mil=π4 sq mil=π4000 000 sq in1\ circ\ mil = \dfrac{\pi}{4}\ sq\ mil = \dfrac{\pi}{4000\ 000}\ sq\ inShow source......
cordShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Equivalent to sixteen square feet.1 cord=16 sq ft1\ \text{cord} = 16\ sq\ ftShow source......
hideShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Former land unit used in Anglo-Saxon countries. Historically, it corresponded to the surface of the earth, which one family was able to work during the year. It was agreed that one hide corresponds to 120 acres.1 łan=120 ac1\ \text{łan} = 120\ acShow source......
roodShow sourcerororoShow source...\text{...}-Former land unit used in Anglo-Saxon countries. One rood is a quarter of an acre.1 ro=14 ac1\ \text{ro} = \dfrac{1}{4}\ acShow source......
square chainShow sourcech2ch^2sq chShow source...\text{...}-Equivalent to one tenth of acre or 484 yards.1 sq ch=110 ac=484 sq yd1\ sq\ ch = \dfrac{1}{10}\ ac = 484\ sq\ ydShow source......
square footShow sourceft2ft^2sq ftShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one foot length.1 sq ft=1 ft×1 ft1\ sq\ ft = 1\ ft \times 1\ ftShow source......
square inchShow sourcein2in^2sq inShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one inch length.1 sq in=1 in×1 in1\ sq\ in = 1\ in \times 1\ inShow source......
square linkShow sourcelnk2lnk^2sq lnkShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one link length.1 sq lnk=1 lnk×1 lnk1\ sq\ lnk = 1\ lnk \times 1\ lnkShow source......
square mil; square thouShow sourcemil2mil^2sq milShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one mil length.1 sq mil=1 mil×1 mil1\ sq\ mil = 1\ mil \times 1\ milShow source......
square mile; sectionShow sourceml2ml^2sq miShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one mile length.1 sq mi=1 mile×1 mile1\ sq\ mi = 1\ mile \times 1\ mileShow source......
square rod/pole/perchShow sourcerd2rd^2sq rdShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one rod length.1 sq rd=1 rd×1 rd1\ sq\ rd = 1\ rd \times 1\ rdShow source......
square U.S. Survey footShow sourcefts2ft_{s}^2sq ftShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one foot length.1 sq ft=1 ft×1 ft1\ sq\ ft = 1\ ft \times 1\ ftShow source......
square U.S. Survey mileShow sourcemis2mi_{s}^2sq miShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one mile length.1 sq mi=1 mile×1 mile1\ sq\ mi = 1\ mile \times 1\ mileShow source......
square yardShow sourceyd2yd^2sq ydShow source...\text{...}-The are of square with sides of one yard length.1 sq yd=1 yd×1 yd1\ sq\ yd = 1\ yd \times 1\ ydShow source......
townshipShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Equivalent to 93 239 940 square meters.1 township=93 239 940 m21\ \text{township} = 93\ 239\ 940\ m^2Show source......
yardlandShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Equivalent to thirty acres.1 yarland=30 ac1\ \text{yarland} = 30\ acShow source......

metric dependent#

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Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
hectareShow sourcehahahaShow source...\text{...}-Area unit mainly used to measure land size. One hectare is equal to area of square with sides of one hundred meters length.1 ha=100 m×100 m=10 000 m2=100 a1\ ha = 100\ m \times 100\ m = 10\ 000\ m^2 = 100\ aShow source......
dunamShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Equivalent to one thousand square meters.1 dunam=1000 m21\ \text{dunam} = 1000\ m^2Show source......
stremmaShow source--Show source...\text{...}-Alternative name of dunam. See dunam unit to learn more.Show source......
areShow sourceaaaShow source...\text{...}-Area unit mainly used to measure land size. One are is equal to area of square with sides of ten meters length.1 a=10 m×10 m=100 m21\ a = 10\ m \times 10\ m = 100\ m^2Show source......
centiareShow sourcecacacaShow source...\text{...}-Equivalent to one square meter.1 ca=1 m21\ ca = 1\ m^2Show source......

nuclear and elementary particles physics#

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Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
barnShow sourcebbbShow source...\text{...}-The cross-section unit used in nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. One barn roughly corresponds to the cross-sectional area of the Uranium nucleus.1 b=100 fm2=1028 m21\ b = 100\ fm^2 = 10^{-28}\ m^2Show source......
milibarnShow sourcembmbmbShow source...\text{...}-Derived unit of cross-section. One millibarn is equal to one thousandth of a barn. See the barn unit to learn more.1 mb=0.001 b=1031 m21\ mb = 0.001\ b = 10^{-31}\ m^2Show source......
microbarnShow sourceμb\mu bµbShow source...\text{...}-Derived unit of cross-section. One microbarn is equal to one millionth of a barn. See the barn unit to learn more.1 μb=106 b=1034 m21\ \mu b = 10^{-6}\ b = 10^{-34}\ m^2Show source......
nanobarnShow sourcenbnbnbShow source...\text{...}-Derived unit of cross-section. One nanobarn is equal to one billionth of a barn. See the barn unit to learn more.1 nb=109 b=1037 m21\ nb = 10^{-9}\ b = 10^{-37}\ m^2Show source......
picobarnShow sourcepbpbpbShow source...\text{...}-Derived unit of cross-section. One picobarn is equal to one trillionth of a barn. See the barn unit to learn more.1 pb=1012 b=1040 m21\ pb = 10^{-12}\ b = 10^{-40}\ m^2Show source......
femtobarnShow sourcefbfbfbShow source...\text{...}-Derived unit of cross-section. One femtobarn is equal to one quadrillionth of a barn. See the barn unit to learn more.1 fb=1015 b=1043 m21\ fb = 10^{-15}\ b = 10^{-43}\ m^2Show source......

Some facts#

  • The basic unit of measure for the area is the square meter (m2) or derived units created by adding SI prefixes, eg. one square kilometer (km2) or one square centimeter (cm2).
  • It is still common to use some non-SI units in some areas of daily life. For example land area is still measured in ares (a) or hectares (ha).
  • In Anglo-Saxon countries, it is common to use units based on traditional imperial length units like miles or inches. In this way, we get new area units such as square mile (mi2), square feet or square inch.

How to convert#

  • Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
    • 1000000
    • 123,23
    • 999.99999
  • Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
  • And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.

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