Voltage units converter
Converts voltage from one unit to another e.g. from milivolts (mV) to volts (V) or vice versa.

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Symbolic algebra

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Inputs data - value and unit, which we're going to convert#


11 (volt) is equal to:#


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
yottavoltShow sourceYVYVYVShow source11000000000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000000000}1×10-24Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One yottavolt is equal to septylion of volts: 1 YV=1024 V1\ YV= 10^{24}\ VShow sourcex1000000000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000000000}
zettavoltShow sourceZVZVZVShow source11000000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000000}1×10-21Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One zettavolt is equal to sextillion of volts: 1 ZV=1021 V1\ ZV= 10^{21}\ VShow sourcex1000000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000000}
exavoltShow sourceEVEVEVShow source11000000000000000000\frac{1}{1000000000000000000}1×10-18Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One exavolt is equal to quintillion of volts: 1 EV=1018 V1\ EV= 10^{18}\ VShow sourcex1000000000000000000\frac{x}{1000000000000000000}
petavoltShow sourcePVPVPVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One petavolt is equal to quadrillion of volts: 1 PV=1015 V1\ PV= 10^{15}\ VShow source......
teravoltShow sourceTVTVTVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One teravolt is equal to trillion of volts: 1 TV=1012 V1\ TV= 10^{12}\ VShow source......
gigavoltShow sourceGVGVGVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One gigavolt is equal to billion of volts: 1 GV=109 V1\ GV= 10^{9}\ VShow source......
megavoltShow sourceMVMVMVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One megavolt is equal to million of volts: 1 MV=1000000 V=106 V1\ MV=1000000\ V= 10^{6}\ VShow source......
kilovoltShow sourcekVkVkVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One kilovolt is equal to thausand of volts: 1 kV=1000 V=103 V1\ kV=1000\ V= 10^{3}\ VShow source......
hektovoltShow sourcehVhVhVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One hektovolt is equal to hundred of volts: 1 hV=100 V=102 V1\ hV=100\ V= 10^{2}\ VShow source......
voltShow sourceVVVShow source...\text{...}-The basic unit of electric potential, electric voltage and electromotive force (EMF) in the SI system. Electric potential between two points of a conducting wire is one volt (1 V), when an electric current of one ampere (1 A) dissipates one watt of power (1 W) between those points.1 V=1 W1 A1\ V = \frac{1\ W}{1\ A}Show source......
decivoltShow sourcedVdVdVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One decivolt is equal to one tenth of volt: 1 dV=0.1 V=101 V1\ dV=0.1\ V= 10^{-1}\ VShow source......
centivoltShow sourcecVcVcVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One centivolt is equal to one hundredth of volt: 1 cV=0.01 V=102 V1\ cV=0.01\ V= 10^{-2}\ VShow source......
milivoltShow sourcemVmVmVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One milivolt is equal to one thousandth of volt: 1 mV=0.001 V=103 V1\ mV=0.001\ V= 10^{-3}\ VShow source......
microvoltShow sourceμV\mu VµVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One microvolt is equal to one millionth of volt: 1 μV=0.000001 V=106 V1\ \mu V=0.000001\ V= 10^{-6}\ VShow source......
nanovoltShow sourcenVnVnVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One nanovolt is equal to one billionth of volt: 1 nV=109 V1\ nV= 10^{-9}\ VShow source......
pikovoltShow sourcepVpVpVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One pikovolt is equal to one trillionth of volt: 1 pV=1012 V1\ pV= 10^{-12}\ VShow source......
femtovoltShow sourcefVfVfVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One femtovolt is equal to one quadrillionth of volt: 1 fV=1015 V1\ fV= 10^{-15}\ VShow source......
attovoltShow sourceaVaVaVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One attovolt is equal to one quintillionth of volt: 1 aV=1018 V1\ aV= 10^{-18}\ VShow source......
zeptovoltShow sourcezVzVzVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One zeptovolt is equal to one sextillionth of volt: 1 zV=1021 V1\ zV= 10^{-21}\ VShow source......
yoctovoltShow sourceyVyVyVShow source...\text{...}-Derived electric voltage unit in SI system. One yoctovolt is equal to one septillionth of volt: 1 yV=1024 V1\ yV= 10^{-24}\ VShow source......

CGS units (centimetre-gram-second)#

(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula
stat (ESU)Show sourcestatVstatVstatVShow source...\text{...}-Historical unit of electric potential, electric voltage and electromotive force (EMF) in the electrostatic centimeter-gram-second system (CGS-ESU). The voltage between two points A and B is one statvolt (1 statV), if the transfer of an electric charge of one statcoulomb (1 statC) from point A to point B requires work of one erg (1 erg).1 statV=1 erg1 statC=107 J110 c C=c106 V299.792458 V1\ statV = \frac{1\ erg}{1\ statC} = \frac{10^{-7}\ J}{\frac{1}{10\ c}\ C} = c \cdot 10^{-6} \ V \approx 299.792458\ VWhere: Show source......
ab (EMU)Show sourceabVabVabVShow source...\text{...}-Historical unit of electric potential, electric voltage and electromotive force (EMF) in the electromagnetic centimeter-gram-second system (CGS-EMU). The voltage between two points A and B is one abvolt (1 abV), if the transfer of an electric charge of one abcoulomb (1 abC) from point A to point B requires work of one erg (1 erg).1 abV=1 erg1 abC=107 J10 C=108 V=10nV1\ abV = \frac{1\ erg}{1\ abC} = \frac{10^{-7}\ J}{10\ C} = 10^{-8} \ V = 10 nVShow source......

Some facts#

  • The electric potential in point is the ratio of the amount of work (done by electrical force) that should be done in order to move the electric charge from this point to the infinity to the value of this charge:
    φ(x0)=Wx0q\varphi(x_0) = \dfrac{W_{x_0 \rightarrow \infty}}{q}
    • φ(x0)\varphi(x_0) - electric potential at x0 x_0,
    • Wx0W_{x_0 \rightarrow \infty} - work to be done to move the charge q from point x0x_0 to infinity,
    • qq - charge value.
  • The electrical voltage is the electrical potential difference measured in two selected points:
    UAB=φBφAU_{AB} = \varphi_B - \varphi_A
    • UABU_{AB} - electric voltage beetwen points A and B,
    • φA\varphi_A - electric potential in point A,
    • φB\varphi_B - electric potential in point B.
  • ⓘ Remember: Electric voltage always applies to two points. When we talk briefly about voltage, in practice we have in mind the voltage between the points (or in other words: the voltage in relation to the reference point). In the case of electronic circuits, the reference point is usually the so-called ground, against which all voltages (potentials) in the circuit are measured.
  • The basic unit of the electrical voltage is one volt (1V).
  • The electrical voltage is usually denoted with a capital letter U or V.
  • The device for measuring the voltage is voltmeter.

How to convert#

  • Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
    • 1000000
    • 123,23
    • 999.99999
  • Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
  • And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.

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