Beta version#
This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
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This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
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popular sets (click to use):decimal,octal,hexadecimal |
Show detailed settings:
Enter your numbers here#
Data summary#
How many numbers detected | 3 | |
Detected numbers | 2, 10, 3.3 | |
Numbers base | 10 (decimal) | |
Skipped characters | none |
Results - numbers in words#
Numbers in words (digit by digit) |
| |
Numbers in words (whole number at once) |
What else can we calculate about your numbers#
The numbers sorted in ascending order | 2, 3.3, 10 | |
The numbers sorted in descending order | 10, 3.3, 2 | |
Minimal number | 2 | |
Maximal number | 10 | |
Sum | 15.3 | |
Average | 5.1 | |
Median | 3.3 | |
Numbers used to compute median | 2, 3.3, 10 | |
Variance | 12.28666666666666666667 | |
Standard deviation | 3.50523418143020319753 |
Some facts#
- In English, numbers from 0 to 12 inclusive have their unique names and are the basis for creating the names of other numerals.
- 0 - zero,
- 1 - one,
- 2 - two,
- 3 - three,
- 4 - four,
- 5 - five,
- 6 - six,
- 7 - seven,
- 8 - eight,
- 9 - nine,
- 10 - ten,
- 11 - eleven,
- 12 - twelve.
- 0 - zero,
- The names of numbers from 13 to 19 inclusive are crated by adding -teen suffix to the appropriate number:
- 13 - thirteen (three + teen),
- 14 - fourteen (four + teen),
- 15 - fifteen (five + teen),
- 16 - sixteen (six + teen),
- 17 - seventeen (seven + teen),
- 18 - eighteen (eight + teen),
- 19 - nineteen (nine + teen).
- 13 - thirteen (three + teen),
- Numerals denoting dozens (20, 30, 40, etc.) are created by adding the -ty suffix to the appropriate numerals:
- 20 - twenty (two + ty),
- 30 - thirty (three + ty),
- 40 - forty (four + ty),
- 50 - fifty (five + ty),
- 60 - sixty (six + ty),
- 70 - seventy (seven + ty),
- 80 - eighty (eight + ty),
- 90 - ninety (nine + ty).
- 20 - twenty (two + ty),
- Number 100 is read as (one) hundred. Multiple hundred numbers (200, 300, 400, et.) are created by preceding the word hundred by the appropriate number:
- 200 - two hundred,
- 300 - three hundred,
- 400 - four hundred,
- etc.
- 200 - two hundred,
- Number 1000 is read as (one) thousand. Larger numbers (so-called large numbers) being the next powers of a thousand (1000, 1000 2, 10003, etc.) have their specific names. The first ones are:
- 1000 000 = 10002 - million,
- 1000 000 000 = 10003 - billion,
- 1000 000 000 = 10004 - trillion,
- 1000 000 000 000 = 10005 - quadrillion,
- etc.
ⓘ Hint: In most English-speaking countries numerals which are powers of 1000, are created according to the so-called short scale. More on the naming of large numbers and so-called short and long scale you can find in our other calculator: Names of large numbers.⚠ WARNING! The numbers hundred, thousand, million etc. do not take the plural form. Plural form is used only to descript an unspecified large number. - 1000 000 = 10002 - million,
- ⓘ Hint: Are you looking for statistical calculators? See also:
- Numbers: min-max - the lowest and the greatest number in the set,
- Numbers: average & median - more about average (mean) and median,
- Numbers: variance and standard deviation - more about variance and standard deviation,
- Math tables: statistics - statistics related formulas.
- Numbers: min-max - the lowest and the greatest number in the set,
What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#
- Enter your numbers here - enter numbers, which you're going to convert to text.
- You can use almost any format you want, numbers can be separated by spaces, commas, semicolons, dashes, end of lines (enters) etc. - it's up to you and your needs.
More, you can even paste a long text - even lyrics - as long as it contains some numbers. The numbers will be automatically detected, "trapped" and added together. - cipher manipulation
- fill with zeros up to XX ciphers after comma - append zeros at the end of the number, if this number does not have enough digits after the decimal point. For example, if you set here 3, it will show number 15 as 15.000, and the number 15.55 as 15.550.
A good example of use case is counting the money (accounting), where we have dollars and cents or euros and eurocents. Just type 2 here, and the calculator will supply always two digits after the decimal pennies. - consider only XX ciphers after the comma - simply cut the number (of the least accurate part), if the number of digits after the decimal point is greater than desired. For example, to show only decimal, enter here 1. For hundredths enter 2.
- fill with zeros up to XX ciphers after comma - append zeros at the end of the number, if this number does not have enough digits after the decimal point. For example, if you set here 3, it will show number 15 as 15.000, and the number 15.55 as 15.550.
- input parser
- decimal separators - a list of characters that should be interpreted as decimal separators (colloquially "dot" or "comma" between integer and fraction parts). For example, if you want to treat 1.25 as "one and twenty-five hundredths," you should put comma character here (",").
- ignored characters - a list of characters that should be ignored while splitting input text into separated numbers. For example, if you want to treat "100 000" as "one hundred thousand", you should put space character here (" "). Similarly, if you have list of hexadecimal numbers in 0x1234 format, you can ignore "x" character, to process them correctly.
- decimal separators - a list of characters that should be interpreted as decimal separators (colloquially "dot" or "comma" between integer and fraction parts). For example, if you want to treat 1.25 as "one and twenty-five hundredths," you should put comma character here (",").
- computer related
- number base - This calculator works for the number systems based on any base from 2 to 36. It supports the typical systems as decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary.
It also allows for calculation of exotic systems (eg. with base 17), up to the base of 36. The order of the characters is consistent with the English alphabet, so starts with 'a', ends with 'z'. 26 letters plus 10 digits gives max base of 36. Of course both upper case and lower case are allowed - input is case insensitive.
- number base - This calculator works for the number systems based on any base from 2 to 36. It supports the typical systems as decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary.
Tags and links to this website#
number_in_words · number_to_words_converter · english_numerals · number_grammar · how_to_read_numerals
Tags to Polish version:
What tags this calculator has#
Notice: this calculator supports permalinks, but some input combinations may not work very well. Please double check if the permalink really works before you share or store it.