BMI calculator
Calculator for finding out the BMI (Body Mass Index). Just enter your height and weight. The result is the BMI factor itself, but also the interpretation of the factor by WHO description (are you starving? or are you overweight?). It accepts metric units (centimeters and kilograms) or US-like units (feets, inches and pounds).

Input data - your weight and height#

Do you want to enter
(feet & inches)
feet & inches

Common sense tells#

Your BMI is 24.2.
According to WHO, your weight is correct. Keep it up :)

Result - Your Body Mass Index (BMI)#

Body Mass Index
BMI factor24.2
Which means
(according to WHO)
normal (BMI at desired level)
WHO table position
(World Health Organization)
  • starvation
  • severely underweight
  • underweight
  • normal (BMI at desired level)
  • overweight
  • Obese Class I
  • Obese Class II
  • Obese Class III (morbidly obese)
Recommendations according to WHOAccording to WHO, your weight is correct. Keep it up :)
What if you lose or gain weight
  • starvation - below 43.4 kg - you will be at this level if you'll lose 26.6 kg.
  • severely underweight - from 43.4 kg to 50.6 kg - you will be at this level if you'll lose 19.4 kg.
  • underweight - from 50.6 kg to 53.5 kg - you will be at this level if you'll lose 16.5 kg.
  • normal (BMI at desired level) - from 53.5 kg to 72.3 kg - you're here, even if you lose 16.5 kg or gain 2.3 kg, you will stay at this level
  • overweight - from 72.3 kg to 86.7 kg - you will be at this level if you'll gain 2.3 kg.
  • Obese Class I - from 86.7 kg to 101.1 kg - you will be at this level if you'll gain 16.7 kg.
  • Obese Class II - from 101.1 kg to 115.6 kg - you will be at this level if you'll gain 31.1 kg.
  • Obese Class III (morbidly obese) - above 115.6 kg - you will be at this level if you'll gain 45.6 kg.

Some facts#

  • BMI (body mass index) also known as Quetelet index - is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person's height, assuming an average body composition.

  • Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of height.
    The formula is:
    BMI=mh2BMI = \dfrac{m}{h^2}
    • m - body mass [kg],
    • h - body height [m],
    • The BMI factor is generally used as approximation of body fat level.

  • High BMI (overweight and obese) causes increased risk for many diseases and/or health conditions, including the following (according to wikipedia):
    • Hypertension
    • Dyslipidemia (for example, high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides)
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Coronary heart disease
    • Stroke
    • Gallbladder disease
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
    • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
  • The BMI formula is simple: all inputs for the formula are just weight and height. It can be calculated quickly and without expansive equipment.
    However BMI ignores many individual factors such as: frame size, muscularity, etc. It also ignores specific conditions of athlete, child, the elderly, the infirm, pregnant etc.
  • BMI categories (according to BMI value):
    • < 15 - starvation (very severely underweight)
    • 15 - 17.5 - severely underweight
    • 17.5 - 18.5 - underweight
    • 18.5 - 25 - normal (BMI at desired level)
    • 25 - 30 - overweight
    • 30 - 35 - Obese Class I (moderately obese)
    • 35 - 40 - Obese Class II (severely obese)
    • > 40 - Obese Class III (very severely obese)

How to use this tool#

  • Select which units type you want to use: metric (kilogrames and meters) or US-like (pounds, feet and inches).
  • Then just enter your height and weight into corresponding input fields.
  • Read the resulting BMI factor. Read also the exact meaning of the factor from the table just below input fields.

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • units - in first window, you can select the unit type. Do you want to enter kilos and centimeters (most of the world)? or pounds and feet (uk/usa)?
  • height - enter your height here, for example: 180.
  • weight - enter your weight here, for example: 70.
  • BMI factor - at first place - the BMI number itself. The BMI displayed here is computed according to WHO standard formula.
  • Which means - this is your BMI said in words. The description of your BMI is entered here. For example: underweight.
  • WHO classification table - all possible BMI classifications (according to WHO) are listed here. Your level is marked with special color.

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In December 2016 the Calculla website has been republished using new technologies and all calculators have been rewritten. Old version of the Calculla is still available through this link: We left the version 1 of Calculla untouched for archival purposes.
Direct link to the old version:
"Calculla v1" version of this calculator