BASE64 calculator: encoder and decoder
Calculator encodes given plain text using BASE64 algorithm or vice versa. Unicode characters are encoded as UTF-8 before BASE64 encoding is applied.

Beta version#

This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
Feel free to send any ideas and comments !

Settings - choose a scenario that best fits your needs#

What do you want to do

Input - enter your text, which you're going to BASE64 encode or decode#

Output - your text after conversion goes here#


Statistics - some numbers related to your text before and after conversion#

Size of text in memory (→ see Data storage units)
Size of plain text stored as UTF-1678bytes
Size of plain text stored as UTF-839bytes
Size of text encoded as BASE6452bytes
Size change as percents
(Data flow: UTF-16 → UTF-8 → BASE64)
Data storage saved after conversion from UTF-16 to UTF850%
Size increased after BASE64 encoding of UTF-8 text33.33%
Size change after BASE64 encoding related to UTF-16-33.33%

Some facts#

  • BASE64 is a data encoding algorithm, which uses 64 alphanumeric characters.
  • All BASE64 characters can be displayed on the standard ASCII terminal.
  • BASE64 encoding can be used to transmit binary data (in practice it means any kind of data) via text protocols e.g. when sending e-mail attachments.
  • Text after encoded with the BASE64 algorithm increases it's size by 1/3. This is why, for example, emails containing the attached MP3 file occupy about 33% more than it would appear from the size of the attached file.
  • ⚠ WARNING! Some protocols (e.g. the SMTP e-mail protocol) use BASE64 to send passwords. However, keep in mind that the BASE64 algorithm does not guarantee security and it has not been developed for this purpose. BASE64 data can be decoded by any person.
  • Because one BASE64 character occupies 6 bits (because 26=64) 2^6 = 64) and the data in computers is packed into 8 bit bytes, sometimes after applying the algorithm part of the last bits remains unused. To handle this scenario, a special pad character is used: = (equal sign). It appears at the end of the result string if the length of the text after encoding is indivisible into 8 bits blocks.
  • BASE64 encoding was standardized in the RFC 4648 document.

See also#

  • If you're interested in various ways of coding information check out our other calculators:
    • URL encoding (sometimes called percent-encoding) - used mainly when sending www addresses and forms during HTTP(S) queries,
    • BASE64 encoding - a popular way of sending binary data on the internet using protocols originally designed as text,
    • Braille alphabet - a way of encoding text using convex points arranged on a plane, designed for the blind people,
    • Morse code - a way of writing textual information using pulses of different length, e.g. electric or light, formerly used in telegraphy,
    • punycode - a way to encode internet domains containing international characters ouside of Latin alphabet.

Tags and links to this website#

What tags this calculator has#


Notice: this calculator supports permalinks, but some input combinations may not work very well. Please double check if the permalink really works before you share or store it.

Links to external sites (leaving Calculla?)#

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