PL: Travel daily allowance calculator - international
Calculator finds out the daily allowance for international delegation in Polish business i.e. the so-called subsistence allowance. Calculator takes into account both basic daily allowance rate for given country and overnight accommodation cost.

Beta version#

This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
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Calculation data - details about your abroad travel#

Delegation time and destination
Start time
End time
Take into account daylight saving time (summer / winter)
Destination country
Food provided by employerbreakfastsdinnerssuppers
Who paid for accommodation?
Predicted number of night's lodgings
Or enter own number of nights
(leave empty if not needed)
Total ammount of hotel billsNOK
Who paid for local transport
Number of days, when public local transport were used
Or enter own number of days
(leave empty if not needed)
Settlement date
Exchange rateNOK/PLN
Date of the currency exchange rate used

Results - cash to pay out#

Delegation time
Start time2025-03-07 07:24:25
End time2025-03-14 07:24:25
Real time in delegation
7 days.
168 hours.
10080 minutes.
604800 seconds.
1 week and 7 hours.
Delegation time used in calculations7 days
Destination country
Destination countryNorway
Used currencyNorwegian Krone (NOK)
Daily rate451.00
Night's lodging limit1500.00
Breakfasts (15% of rate)473.55
Dinners (30% of rate)947.10
Suppers (30% of rate)947.10
Number of nights
Hotel flat-rate per day
Total ammount of hotel bills
Limit for accommodation cost
Accommodation cost to repaid
Number of days used to calculate local transport cost
Daily rate for local transport (10% of rate)
Local transport cost to be repaid
Cash to pay out - summary
Food summary (75% of rate)2367.75
Other expenses (25% of rate)789.25
Reimbursement of accommodation costs0.00
Local transport cost to be repaid0.00
Total cash to pay out (original currency)3157.00NOK
Total cash to pay out (converted into zlotys)1142.52PLN

Some facts#

  • An employee who performs part of his/her job within a delegation (business travel) gets some fixed amount of cash per each day to cover cost of food, hotel and other necessary expenses. This kind of reimbursement is called "subsistence allowance", "daily allowance" or "per diem".
  • This page is focused on foreign travels (outside of Poland). If you need to calculate subsistence allowance during local travel (without leaving Poland) check out our other calculator: Polish travel allowance (national). Also, you can check out recent and historical subsistence allowance rates in table: Polish travel allowance (national) table.
  • Subsistence allowance during foreign travel consists of the following parts:
    • food part (in total 75% of allowance):
      • breakfasts (15% of allowance),
      • dinners (30% of allowance),
      • suppers (30% of allowance).
    • other expenses (25% of allowance).
  • If employee gets food from employer (i.e. he/she doesn't need to pay for food on his/her own), subsistence allowance is decreased according to the type of a meal, which is provided. If all meals are delivered (breakfast, lunch and dinner) daily rate is reduced to 25%.
  • In addition to the basic allowance, the employee is entitled to reimbursement of the cost of the accommodation if it was not organized by the employer.
    • If employee has hotel bill(s), he/she can get back incurred costs tax-free, but not more than limit assigned to the given country.
    • If employee paid for accommodation on his/her own, but he/she has no hotel bills, then he/she can get back 25% of limit assigned to given country.
  • If the employee uses public transport on his own, he may receive additional funds. This is an another fixed rate in amount of 10% of daily basic rate per each commenced day of delegation (as of 2021-06-26).
  • The trasport lump sum applies only to local transport e.g. if the employee needs to travel from the train station to the hotel where the conference is held. Covering the costs of the main journey (e.g. a plane travel between countries) is a separate settlement, unless the transport have been provided by the employer.
  • If the employee uses his own vehicle for local journeys, it is possible to settle on the basis of the so-called mileage allowance payments.
  • Current daily subsistance allowance rates and hotel cost limits adjusted to different countries can be found in table: Polish travel allowance (foreign) table.
  • Partial days are treated as below:
    • time below 8 hours is treated as 1/3 of day,
    • time from 8 to 12 hours is treated as 1/2 of day,
    • time above 12 hours is treated as full day.
  • Legal basis: Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of 29 January 2013 on receivables due to an employee employed in a state or self-government budgetary unit on a business trip (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 167).

Data up-to-date#

We periodically review daily rates and overnight stay limits for each country so that our data is always up-to-date.
Recent compliance with the regulations was confirmed on 2021-08-07.
If you want to be 100% sure after this date - check if the rates have not changed.

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • Start time - date and time when business travel began e.g. train departure time,
  • End time - date and time when business travel ended e.g. time of return train arrival,
  • Take into account daylight saving time (DST) - this option causes that the current time zone (winter / summer time) according to the European Union directive UE 2000/84/EC is taken into account during the calculation. According to the regulation, on the last Sunday of March at 1:00 a.m. universal time (in Poland it is 2:00) clocks are moved forward one hour, and on the last Sunday of October at 1:00 a universal time (in Poland it is 3:00), o one hour back.
  • Destination country - destination country where the employee traveled,
  • Provided food - select which meals (breakfasts, dinners or suppers) are warranted by employer i.e. employe doesn't need to pay for them on his/her own,
  • Who paid for accommodation - select whether the accommodation was paid by the employer or whether the employee needed to arrange it on his/her own,
  • Who paid for local transport - select whether the local travels (e.g. between hotel and place of business meeting) was provided by the employer or whether the employee needed to arrange it on his/her own using public transport,
  • Claim date - the day on which the expense claim was made for a past travel. That date influences the currency exchange rate.
  • Exchange rate - used to convert calculated allowance from original currency (used in destination country) to polish złotys (PLN). According to the polish law, it should be average exchange rate on the day preceding the claim date. This value is filled automaticaly using official NBP (National Bank Of Poland) rates. However, you can enter your own value if you need.

History of changes, improvements and fixes to this calculator#

  • 2021-07-04 We added "local transportation" to the calculation.
  • 2018-03-15 You don't need to enter exchange rate manually anymore. From now, we get it for you using the official data provided by the National Bank of Poland. According to the polish law, the exchange rate is taken from the last business day preceding the claim date.

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