Words counter and text stats calculator
Calculator finds out the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, keywords density etc. in a given text.

Beta version#

This online calculator is currently under heavy development. It may or it may NOT work correctly.
You CAN try to use it. You CAN even get the proper results.
However, please VERIFY all results on your own, as the level of completion of this item is NOT CONFIRMED.
Feel free to send any ideas and comments !

Settings - keywords count limit and speech/read speed#

Keywords and keyphrases
Number of top words or phrases limit
Speaking and reading time
Average speaking speed (loudly)words per minute
Average read speed (in the mind)words per minute

Input - enter text, which you're going to analyze here#

Calculated statistics for your text#

Single characters
Number of characters213
Number of characters without whitespaces177
Number of whitespace characters36
Words and sentences
Number of words36
Number of unique words31
Number of sentences5
Lines and paragraphs
Number of lines1
Number of paragraphs1
Speaking and reading time
Average speaking speed (loudly)125words per minute
Average read speed (in the mind)200words per minute
Estimated reading time1min.
Estimated speaking time1min.

Keywords and keyphrases#

Single keywords
Top keywords1. text - 3 (8.33%)
2. this - 2 (5.56%)
3. it - 2 (5.56%)
4. will - 2 (5.56%)
5. is - 1 (2.78%)
6. an - 1 (2.78%)
7. example - 1 (2.78%)
8. input - 1 (2.78%)
9. try - 1 (2.78%)
10. enter - 1 (2.78%)
Pair of words (two-word phrases)
Top two-word keyphrases1. this is - 1 (2.86%)
2. is an - 1 (2.86%)
3. an example - 1 (2.86%)
4. example input - 1 (2.86%)
5. input text - 1 (2.86%)
6. text try - 1 (2.86%)
7. try it - 1 (2.86%)
8. it enter - 1 (2.86%)
9. enter your - 1 (2.86%)
10. your own - 1 (2.86%)
Three-word phrases
Top three-word keyphrases1. this is an - 1 (2.94%)
2. is an example - 1 (2.94%)
3. an example input - 1 (2.94%)
4. example input text - 1 (2.94%)
5. input text try - 1 (2.94%)
6. text try it - 1 (2.94%)
7. try it enter - 1 (2.94%)
8. it enter your - 1 (2.94%)
9. enter your own - 1 (2.94%)
10. your own text - 1 (2.94%)

What is the meaning of each calculator field ?#

  • Number of top words or phrases limit - you can limit number of top keywords or keyphrases presented in the results,
  • average speaking speed - average speed of speaking text in words per minute, this value is used to calculate the estimated time of reading the text out loudly,
  • average reading speed - average speed of reading text in words per minute, this value is used to calculate the estimated time of reading the text out silently,
  • number of characters - total number of characters (letters, digits, commas, spaces etc.) in your text,
  • number of characters without whitespaces - as above, but excluding spaces and tabs,
  • number of whitespaces - number of characters excluded in previous step,
  • number of words - number of complete words found in your text,
  • number of sentences - number of complete sentences found in your text,
  • number of lines - simply the number of lines in your text,
  • number of paragraphs - number of non-empty paragraphs found in your text. The paragraphs are separated by double enter character (empty line),
  • estimated speaking time - estimated time needed to read out loud your text. As default we assume that people can speak average of 125 words per minute, but you can adjust speaking speed to your needs,
  • estimated reading time - estimated time needed to read the text in mind (silently). As default we assume that people can read (silently) average of 200 words per minute, but you can adjust reading speed to your needs,
  • top keywords - most popular words found in your text,
  • top two-word keyphrases - most popular word pairs found in your text e.g. "calculators online",
  • top three-word keyphrases - most popular three-word phrases found in your text e.g. "online web calculators".

Tags and links to this website#

What tags this calculator has#


Links to external sites (leaving Calculla?)#

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