Converter of specific heat units
Specific heat capacity units converter - converts units based on various energy units (joules, calories, kilocalories), temperature units (Kelvins, Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees) and mass units (grams, kilograms).

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Symbolic algebra

ⓘ Hint: This calculator supports symbolic math. You can enter numbers, but also symbols like a, b, pi or even whole math expressions such as (a+b)/2. If you still don't sure how to make your life easier using symbolic algebra check out our another page: Symbolic calculations
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Inputs data - value and unit, which we're going to convert#



Popular (temperature in Kelvins)#

(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula

Popular (temperature in Celsius degrees)#

(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula

Popular (temperature in Fahrenheit degrees)#

(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula

Some facts#

  • ⓘ Remember: Specific heat is a physical quantity determining the amount of energy (heat) that should be supplied (transferred) to one unit of substance mass to raise the temperature by one unit.
  • The basic specific heat unit in the SI system is joule per kilogram per kelvin:
    Jkg×K\dfrac{J}{kg × K}
  • Specific heat is a property of substance (the so-called material constant). Also, it depends on external conditions: pressure and temperature.
  • The specific heat tells us how difficult it is to heat the given body. Substances with low specific heat change their temperature easily, whereas high ones require much more energy delivered to achieve identical effect.
  • To calculate the specific heat of the selected substance, we can use the following formula:
    c=ΔQm×ΔTc = \dfrac{\Delta Q}{m \times \Delta T}
    • cc - specific heat of the substance,
    • ΔQ\Delta Q - amount of heat delivered,
    • mm - mass of the heated sample,
    • ΔT\Delta T - noted temperature change.
  • Due to the high compressibility of gases, two values of specific heat are given in their case:
    • CpC_p - specific heat under constant pressure,
    • CvC_v - specific heat under constant volume.
    *) Compressibility is the property of a substance meaning that substance changes volume significantly under pressure.

How to convert#

  • Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
    • 1000000
    • 123,23
    • 999.99999
  • Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
  • And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.

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