Angular measure units converter
Angle units converter. Converts radians, degrees, turns and many more.

Symbolic algebra

ⓘ Hint: This calculator supports symbolic math. You can enter numbers, but also symbols like a, b, pi or even whole math expressions such as (a+b)/2. If you still don't sure how to make your life easier using symbolic algebra check out our another page: Symbolic calculations
invalid inputs

Inputs data - value and unit, which we're going to convert#


Image: how your angle looks like#



(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula

Turns and part of turn#

(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula


(plain text)
Value as symbolicValue as numericNotesUnit conversion formula

Some facts#

  • The angle is part of the plane bounded by two half-lines having a common origin.
  • The half-lines forming an angle are called the arms, and the point in which the arms are in contact is called the vertex.
  • In everyday language, we often say "angle", when we think the angular measure.
  • Angles are used to give location of object on the map. Point on the map is localized by two angles (coordinates): latitude and longitude. The reason of this, is fact, that the Earth is roughly spherical shape.
  • In everyday life, most common angle units are degrees. In cartography, minutes (1/60 of degree) and - in case of more detailed measurements - seconds (1/60 of minute) are useful. Mathematicians and physicists use mainly radians.
  • The concept of angle is stricly related to trigonometric functions, which have angle argument. Example trigonometric functions are sinus (sin), cosinus (cos) or tangens (tg).
  • There are more general concepts of angle expanding definition to 3D space or even to spaces with more than three dimensions. The equivalent of plane angle in three-dimensional space is solid angle.
  • If we sort arms of the angle, in such a way that one arm will be considered first and the second one final, then we will call such angle - directed angle. The directed angle can be defined by pair of two vectors with common origin {u, v}.
  • There are many interesting angle related properties:
    • The sum of all angles in triangle is 180 degrees (π).
    • The sum of all angles in any quadrilateral (so in rectangle or square too) is 360 degrees (2π).
    • In trapezium (br-eng: trapezium, us-eng: trapezoid) the sum of the neighbouring angles next to both short and long basis is 180 degrees (π).
  • Circle can contains two kinds of angles:
    • Inscribed angle – when its vertex is localized on boundaries of circle.
    • Central angle – when its vertex is localized in the center of circle.

Angles classification

angle nameangular measure
in degrees
angular measure
in radians
zero angle0
half-whole angle180°π
whole angle360°
right angle90°π/2
acute anglefrom 0° to 90°from 0 to π/2
obtuse anglefrom 90° to 180°from π/2 to π

How to convert#

  • Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
    • 1000000
    • 123,23
    • 999.99999
  • Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
  • And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.

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