PL: Exchange rates table of the Central Bank of Poland
Table shows average exchange rates for all currencies listed by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) for the selected day.

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Currency NBP rates on day 2024-05-07 (Tuesday)#

Baht (THB)0.1088
US Dollar (USD)4.0056
Australian Dollar (AUD)2.6437
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)0.5123
Canadian Dollar (CAD)2.9284
New Zealand Dollar (NZD)2.4072
Singapore Dollar (SGD)2.9598
Euro (EUR)4.3116
Forint (HUF)0.011083
Swiss Franc (CHF)4.412
Pound Sterling (GBP)5.0228
Hryvnia (UAH)0.1019
Yen (JPY)0.025943
Czech Koruna (CZK)0.1723
Danish Krone (DKK)0.578
Iceland Krona (ISK)0.028687
Norwegian Krone (NOK)0.3691
Swedish Krona (SEK)0.3695
Kuna (HRK)-
Romanian Leu (RON)0.8668
Bulgarian Lev (BGN)2.2045
Turkish Lira (TRY)0.1243
New Israeli Sheqel (ILS)1.0804
Chilean Peso (CLP)0.004305
Philippine Peso (PHP)0.07
Mexican Peso (MXN)0.2375
Rand (ZAR)0.2167
Brazilian Real (BRL)0.7891
Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)0.8455
Russian Ruble (RUB)-
Rupiah (IDR)0.00024965
Indian Rupee (INR)0.047974
Won (KRW)0.002946
Yuan Renminbi (CNY)0.5551
SDR (Special Drawing Right) (XDR)5.2915
Zloty (PLN)1

Some facts#

  • The exchange rate is the relation of one currency to the another one. In other words, the currency rate tells us how many units of the selected currency (e.g. euro) corresponds to the one unit of another one (e.g. US dollar) .
  • Depending on the situation, we can talk about buy exchange rate (i.e. at what price the given currency is bought), sale exchange rate (i.e. at what price is sold) and average exchange rate , which is average of the two previous.
  • Every business day, the National Bank of Poland (NBP) sends a request to ten domestic currency dealers. Then, on the basis of the received data, average rates are calculated and published on the official NBP website.
  • Official NBP rates are the basis for international transactions. For example, if polish entrepreneur issued an invoice to a foreign entity in EUR, then for the needs of the accounting the average NBP exchange rate from the day preceding the invoice should be applied. Next, the amount in PLN is the basis for settlement with the Tax Office.
  • Buy rates are always lower than sales rates. The difference between these values is the profit of currency dealers and is called spread.

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