Poland: PESEL numbers generator
Calculator generates random PESEL numbers (unique ID assigned to each person in Poland) matching given criteria such as date of birth, age range or gender.

Beta version#

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Calculations data - prefered gender and date of birth#

Date of birth
Fromyears old
Toyears old
Generate more PESEL numbers

Result - generated PESEL number (random)#


Some facts#

  • PESEL number is a unique number, that identifies each physical person in Poland.
  • The PESEL number is assigned after birth, after gender change (see → hormone replacement therapy), or in order to correct the error detected in already assigned number.
  • The PESEL number consists of 11 digits with below meaning:
    • birth of date (first 6 digits) - date of birth in YYMMDD format (year, month, day),
    • serial number (next 4 digits) - ordinal number identifying subsequent people born on the same day,
    • control digit (last digit) - an additional digit calculated from previous tens, used to check the correctness of whole number.
  • Numbers denoting the month of birth also have an additional function defining the centenary:
    • numbers from 1 to 12 mean subsequent months in years 19xx (born in XX century),
    • numbers from 21 to 32 are used for those born in years 20xx (born in XXI century),
    • numbers from 41 to 52 are reserved for those born in years 21xx (born in XXII century),
    • numbers from 61 to 72 are reserved for those born in years 22xx (born in XXIII century),
    • numbers from 81 to 92 are used for those born in years 18xx (XIX century).
  • The serial number also encodes gender. Men get odd number (e.g. 121), while woman get even ones (e.g. 200).
  • The control digit (sometimes called checksum) is used to detect errors resulting from accidental changes of one or more digits, e.g. during manual number rewriting in the office. It is calculated on the basis of the remaining 10 digits according to the following algorithm:
    (9y1+7y2year (2 digits)+3m1+m2month (2 digits)+9d1+7d2day (2 digits)date of birth (6 digits)+3s1+s2+9s3+7s4serial number (4 digits))mod10\left(\underbrace{ \overbrace{9 y_1 + 7 y_2} ^ {\text{year (2 digits)}} + \overbrace{3 m_1 + m_2} ^ {\text{month (2 digits)}} + \overbrace{9 d_1 + 7 d_2} ^ {\text{day (2 digits)}} } _{\text{date of birth (6 digits)}} + \underbrace{ 3 s_1 + s_2 + 9 s_3 + 7 s_4}_{\text{serial number (4 digits)} }\right)\mod 10
    • y1,y2y_1, y_2 - 2 digits of year of birth,
    • m1,m2m_1, m_2 - 2 digits of month of birth,
    • d1,d2d_1, d_2 - 2 digits of day of birth,
    • s1,s2,s3,s4s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4 - 4 digits of serial number,
    • xmod10x \mod 10 - the rest of the division number x (in our case expression in parenthesis) by ten.

  • ⓘ Example: We've got PESEL number 84011201654. We can read from it:
    • date of birth: January 12, 1984 (first 6 digits: 840112),
    • serial number: 0165 (next 4 digits),
    • the number owner is men (serial number is odd)
  • ⓘ Example: We've got PESEL number 03231256844. We can read from it:
    • date of birth: March 12, 2003 (first 6 digits: 032312),
    • serial number: 5684 (next 4 digits),
    • the number owner is women (serial number is even).

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